
We believe that Church is not a building you walk into. It is a people, among whom God dwells in undeniable, tangible and life-changing ways

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
115 Moffat Road, Bethlehem 3110


We believe that Church is not a building you walk into. It is a people, among whom God dwells in undeniable, tangible and life-changing ways

Every time we gather, we prioritise the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. We make space for Him to move among us with power.

Jesus is our focus. Worship is not a ‘warm-up’ for the preacher. Signs and wonders are our expectation. Revival is inevitable. The human heart was made to burn with the fire of God’s love and power!

Hope for your heart… Healing for your life… There is an answer for your longing

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    24 October 2023

    🎶"You Father the orphan Your kindness makes us whole And you shoulder our weakness And your strength becomes our own Now you're making me like you... Clothing me in white Bringing beauty from ashes For You will have Your bride" 🎶

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2023

    Haere Mai Nau Mai whanau!

    All are welcome as we come together to worship our Heavenly Father, and celebrate Father's Day!

    This Sunday morning we have Peter and Karen Albert sharing, and with no doubt it will impact and inspire us as always!


    Blessings to you all.

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  • Anynomous
    15 October 2023

    Haere Mai, Nau Mai!

    It's going to be an enriching and exciting Sunday ahead of us! Come be a part of it!

    In the morning service, we have the privilege of hearing our beloved Cindy Ruakere speak and share a message.


    In the evening, OneVoice is back again - the city wide Body of Christ will gather together for worship, prayer and hear from guest speakers, Danny and Sheri Silk (Bethel Redding California).

    All are welcome.

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  • Anynomous
    24 September 2023

    Kia ora everyone,

    Just a friendly reminder that you are invited to join the staff here at the Hope Office for prayer at 10:00am tomorrow morning (every Thursday morning). All are welcome!.

    115 Moffat Road, Bethlehem

  • Anynomous
    16 September 2023

    We are so excited to have Winkie Pratney with us this Sunday!

  • Anynomous
    16 September 2023

    Just a friendly reminder that the next Young Adults is on Saturday Night at 6pm. It’s located at 174a Moffat Rd, Bethlehem. Please park on the street and bring a plate to share. Drinks and S’mores will be provided. We will have a brief time of worship and the legendary Winkie Pratney will also be joining us. Come prepared to have fun and if you have a game you want to play bring that too. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 😎

  • Anynomous
    09 September 2023

    Haere Mai, Nau Mai!

    This Sunday, we have Stephen Hansen speaking in the morning, and Nathan Tuttle speaking in the evening. Everyone is welcome.

    The 29th of this month (July) is an awesome family day, starting with a precious baby dedication, we have an incredible guest speaker - Winkie Pratney, and after our service we will have a shared soup lunch - so stick around, grab yourself a kai, and enjoy some more fellowship!


    We also have our Conference coming up in November. So put that date in your diary!! More details and registrations will be available very soon.

    Nga mihi (many thanks), be blessed!

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  • Anynomous
    28 June 2023

    Just a reminder that Young Adults is on tonight starting at 5 P.M. at 174a Moffat Rd. Please park on Moffat Rd. as parking is limited at the house.

  • Anynomous
    30 April 2023

    Hey Hope Centre Family,

    Just wanted to remind everyone that there is a Working Bee this Saturday at 9 am. The Hope Centre offices are beginning to look like a miniature jungle so we are going to gather as a family for a few hours and help tidy up the property. All are welcome to attend and help.

    Some of the supplies that you can bring are Rakes, Trimmers, Weed Wackers, Shovels, Ladders, Window Cleaning equipment, Tarps, and much much more.


    If you have a couple of hours free this Saturday please come and help out.

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2023

    Worship team preparing for the morning gathering

    Worship is never a warm up for the preacher. It is not about just ‘setting an atmosphere’...

    It is our great privilege to stand before King Jesus and pour out our hearts to Him!!

  • Anynomous
    27 April 2023

    The early morning crew of champions are hard at work setting up for our two gatherings today

    Every chair is put out with the anticipation that God will meet the person who sits in it!


  • Anynomous
    26 April 2023

    Hope Centre’s fifth birthday this weekend!

    We are celebrating all that God has done in the last five years... Matt Lansdowne will be speaking... coffee and cake after the ‘family reunion’ in the morning

    10am and 6pm this Sunday

  • Anynomous
    20 March 2023

    New Vanuatu Trip Details!!!!

    Vanuatu Mission Trip Erromango Island – March 14th- 24th 2018

    Interested in the life changing impact of a Missions Trip?


    As part of our ongoing support for the work in the nation of Vanuatu, a trip is planned for mid March to return to the island of Erromango – a very special place that has stolen the hearts of many who have journeyed there.

    Erromango is the 3rd largest island in Vanuatu and a one hour flight south of Port Vila. Williams Bay, also known as Dillon’s Bay, is the spiritual centre of the island and our team will be hosted and led by Pastor Robbie Whyte of Praise and Worship church. The plan is to leave NZ on Wed 14th March and arrive at the Eastern villages of Ipota and Port Narvin for ministry. From there we will travel by boat around to Williams Bay on the West of the island to run teaching and outreach meetings. There may be opportunity for fit team members to walk across the island instead of taking the boat. From Williams Bay, we will minister in the southern villages of Bonkel and Happy Lands then return to NZ on the 24th March.

    This is a tremendous opportunity to experience island living and be in the midst of a people who are rich in faith and hungry for the supernatural power of God.

    The projected cost of this trip is approx. $1700. Many have expressed interest in this trip so if you are keen to come please let Alan Taylor or Matthew Jeffares know a.s.a.p. (nztaylors@gmail.com)

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  • Anynomous
    13 March 2023

    Hope Summer Camp - registrations are closing this Sunday, can I ask for those wanting to come along to register either on Sunday at the info desk or email your details to info@hopetauranga.nz Full payment isn’t mandatory by Sunday but it would be great to know numbers so that we can keep going with the planning process.

  • Anynomous
    12 March 2023

    Picnic today is postponed... sorry!

    With the wind swirling and rain threatening, I'm sure that we can find a better night in sunny Tauranga to have a picnic on. Will keep you posted.