
Groom.Me Dunedin


Selling your family vehicle that's had a toddler tornado through it or have a muddy farm ute, truck or tractor needing cleaned up? Call our trusted valet service with 5 star reviews & ratings!

Tags : #CleaningService, #AutoDetailingService

Location :


Groom.Me provides the Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin & surrounding Rural areas of Otago an elite mobile vehicle detailing service!

Whether its a family wagon that's seen a toddler tornado or a muddy farm truck & tractor, our mission is to restore your vehicle to a showroom standard and KEEP it there!

We offer three services to keep things simple...

1️⃣ A 'Total Valet' - a complete interior and exterior groom restoring your vehicle to showroom standard.
2️⃣ An 'Interior Only' a complete interior groom restoring the inside of your vehicle to showroom standard. Including shampoo and stain removal of all upholstery, carpet, floor mats & roof lining. Cleaning and reconditioning of all plastics.
3️⃣ An 'Exterior Only' a complete exterior wash, cut (optional), polish & machine buff of paintwork, cleaning and reconditioning of all plastics and door rubbers, tyres and rims cleaned and polished, engine bay clean and polish.

⏰ All services are a full day booking and we are able to pick up your vehicle and return it when finished or we also have a mobile unit whereby we can come to your address (perfect for rural locations)

No mess is too big!
- Pet hair
- Mud
- Stains
- Spills

Urban Vehicles - We Pickup & Return
Rural (Tractor, Utes & Farm Machinery) - We come to You!

We believe in keeping things as effortless as possible for our customers. You can trust there is no hidden charges because our prices are based on the size of the vehicle not the size of the mess!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Take a look at our reviews and ratings!

☎️ Just a call away if you'd like to book today!
Ezra & Helen