
Growing tourism opportunities through accessible accommodation.We believe that everyone should have the ability to find and enjoy short-term accommodation that meets their personal, access or disability related requirements with confidence, integrity and freedom of choice.Accommodate � Definition- To provide lodging or sufficient space for�- To Fulfil the wishes or needs of�In your experiennce:1. As a person or supporter of someone living with a disability or health condition, how easy is it to find and book accommodation when planning a trip that meets your needs?2. How much extra time and energy do you spend making sure that the place that you would like to stay will actually meet your requirements?3. Why is it that when you are using an accommodation booking website or app and you activate a search filter based on accessibility, that the matching results drop down from 300 down to a handful? And then they are often not where you need to stay or are beyond your budget.4. When you have booked what you considered to be a place that would meet your needs, how often did it not?5. Is finding somewhere to stay just to much drama, when it should be an efficient and enjoyable process that you can do with technology that you are confident using?So if you were looking to find, book and stay at a certain kind of accommodation and you have specific requirements - what would you need, what would you like - and what would you love?That last question is what "Accommodationz" is out to answer and then provide the solution.To build a community of accommodation providers and guests that mutually benefit in helping each other to live the way that they choose.Let's make a change in public expectation and awareness that accessible accommodation is everywhere and that everyone can confidently travel and enjoy our world.The possibilities str endless so contact us for more information.

Tags : #Hospitality, #Leisure, #TravelTourism

Location :
61 Contour Ave, Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty 3112
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