It's a beautiful placed located at the heart of Butwal Sub Metropolitan City. This is a popular business location of this city. Rampur Hotel is located in this area. Shine RSDB is also here. I have been here several times for business visits. After this chowk, there is a chauraha. indeed a beautiful place. I will add photos later.
Sekuwa are always awesome to have
This place must be called heart of Butwal. It is the cultural and business hub of Butwal.
Got into mood of buying anything? Find clothing stores, departmental stores, groceries, liquor shops, fruits and vegetable vendors here.
Want a time out with friends to eat and meet? Get to any one of the cafes and restaurants around here. Also, you will find local and affordable restaurants here. At the evening, this place prepares itself to welcome a lot of coffee-lovers and "lassi"-lovers- this is quite a view in Butwal. See coffee being steamed and warmed from home-made machine made out of regular pressure-cooker.
This place is also is the centre for getting micros to different other towns nearby. Guess this might be the reason for many institutions to be targeting their location here. From gymnasium to computer devices to spices for your aromatic curry at home- get almost everything here at Traffic Chowk in Butwal.
Traffic Chowk, Butwal is also known as the Palpa Road.
The facilities of here is buying ticket from ticket counter for East and West Rout. Banking facilities are here, most popular bakery shops are available here.
Famous spot in Butwal
Famous spot in butwal..
Famous place of Butwal near traffic chowk
Famous spot in Butwal. The major market area
easy to find the place