Sanphebagar Airport is an airport, located at Sanphebagar Airport, H18, Sanfebagar, Far-Western Development Region. [read more]
दिपायल सिलगढी विमानस्थल is an airport, located at Dipayal silgadhi Airport, 70DR006, Far-Western Development Region. [read more]
Bajura (Kolti) Airport is an airport, located at Bajura (Kolti) Airport, karnali Corridor, Baddhu, Far-Western Development Region. [read more]
Dhangarhi Airport is an airport, located at Setī Zone, Seti. [read more]
Sanfebagar Airport is an airport, located at Setī Zone, Seti. [read more]
Silgadi Doti Airport is an airport, located at Setī Zone, Seti. [read more]
Mahendranagar lufthavn er en flyplass i byen Mahendranagar i Kanchanpurdistriktet i Mahakali, vest i Nepal. Flyplassen kan også brukes av Nepals flystyrker. [read more]
Bandar Udara Bajhang adalah bandar udara yang melayani Bajhang, distrik di Wilayah Seti di Nepal. FasilitasBandar udara ini berada di ketinggian di atas permukaan laut. [read more]
El aeropuerto de Bajhang es un aeropuerto que da servicio a Bajhang, un distrito en la Zona de Seti en Nepal. InstalacionesEl aeropuerto reside en un promontorio de sobre el nivel del mar. [read more]
Bajhang Airport is an airport serving Bajhang, a district in the Seti Zone in Nepal. It is situated in Dewal. FacilitiesThe airport resides at an elevation of 4100ft above mean sea level. [read more]
Tribhuwan basti kanchanpur ga gau - punarwasnepal is a stadium, located at tribhuwan basti kanchanpur ga gau(punarwas) nepal, Kanchanpur 00977. They can be contacted via phone at 009779812772118.. [read more]
Well. This Is Not an Airpot Anymore. There aren't any building. No runway. This Place is used for grazing. The government need to start Runway and airpot because it has an large space for that. [read more]
Good Airport. Airport is neat and tidy. The airport has enough chairs for waiting. As Dhangadhi is hot place, the airport doesn't give chance to feel extra hot. [read more]
kotharpur (raj kumar). [read more]