नजिकिदै गरेको नारीहरूको महान चाड हरितालिका तीजको अवसरमा सम्पूर्णलाई शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दै आयोतिज एक कार्यक्रमका केही तस्विरहरु ।
Information Regarding District level Poem Recitation program for Basic Level
Few Glimpses of CAD ECA Activities
पाचौं कुशल मेमोरियल कप–२०७५ का केही झलकहरु
Maths Quiz - 2075 Secondary Level 1st Green House Participants(Biplab,Sijan and Sangam)Maths Quiz - 2075 Secondary Level 1st Green House Participants(Biplab,Sijan and Sangam)
Maths Quiz - 2075 Lower Secondary Level - 1st Red House Participants (Anjana,Ritika and Pratik Poudel)Maths Quiz - 2075 Lower Secondary Level - 1st Red House Participants (Anjana,Ritika and Pratik Poudel)
Maths Quiz -2075 Results Primary level - 1st Green House Participants (Akansha, Swikrit and Hartish)Maths Quiz -2075 Results Primary level - 1st Green House Participants (Akansha, Swikrit and Hartish)
Few moments of Srijana ECA Program Maths Quiz -2075 (In all levels)
Vote for Smriti chapai class 3A
सृजना आवासाीय मा.वि. को रजत जयन्ती वर्ष (२०७४÷०७५) को अवसरमा आयोजित यु–१२ टेबल टेनिस प्रतियोगिताका केही झलकहरु ।
नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी कास्की शाखाको अयोजना तथा सृजना मा.वि.को आतिथ्यतामा सम्पन्न जिल्ला स्तरीय हाजिरिजवाफ प्रतियोगिताका केही झलकहरु । मितिः २०७५ साल श्रावण २५ गते, शुक्रबार
Pre-Primary Level In out Game & Counting Race Prize Distribution Programme. (2075-05-01)
विद्यालयको रजत जयन्ती वर्ष (२०७४÷०७५) को अवसरमा आयोजित जिल्ला स्तरीय PowerPoint Presentation Competition मा सहभागी विद्यार्थीहरु लगायत अन्य ।
Good morning Today's Program
On the Occasion of Silver Jubilee Srijana Organise Secondary Level PowerPoint Presentation (District level) Time : 10.30 am Venu : Srijana Secondary school
Ammonia gas production by Class 10 students.
Notice for Nepali Essay Writing Competition
Notice for class 11and 12(science and management) Essay writing Competition by Hissan on 1st bhadra
Students Receiving Award and Certificate in School Assembly of Real School of Nepal -2018 (Regional Round)