The indigenous people of Nepal's Himalayas originated in Tibet centuries ago. They are an ethnic, linguistic and religious minority in a country blighted by caste discrimination. Himalayan folk are marginalized by their ethnicity and their language (dialects of Tibetan). They are further marginalized by caste discrimination although the Buddha taught that caste is meaningless.
No government in Kathmandu has ever seen fit to address their needs - Himalayan folk live without running water, sanitation and electricity. There is not enough food (more than half the children are stunted) and the peole have no access to health care or education.
Thrangu Rinpoche's aims are to help Himalayan people preserve their language, their culture and their Buddhist way of life. Both schools offer education, housing, medical and dental care to hundreds of Himalayan children.
At the main school, Shree Mangal Dvip (SMD) Boarding School, the children are given a secular education enriched by instruction in the "lama language" (Tibetan) and Himalayan culture. Instruction is given in the teachings of the Buddha and the children take part in prayer and meditation every day.
The schools are wholly supported by sponsors in 26 different countries.
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