Engineering Entrance Preparation in Nepal
Far-Western university Admission notice for BSC.CSIT.
भर्ना फारम भर्दा ध्यान दिनु पर्ने कुरा हरु तथा भर्ना तालिका (#IOE_TU) नमुना बैक भौचर
केहि मह्तो पूर्ण जानकारी (#TU_IOE)
Good news from IOE. Update for total sets 1872 (IOM,Thpathali,WRC&ERC) For more details.
Scholarship Test..
Scholarship Test 2075-05-02
Congratulations to the students who secured good score in I.O.E entrance examination.Moreover, we are feeling proud of I.O.E entrance toppers from SEA Engineering Academy. We wish their bright future and successful academic journey ahead. Remember, pre- engineering classes are running on
Our Great Achievement ..(From SEA) Congratulation Mr. Atul kumar Karn. (Topper of IOE Entrance-2075)
Get your admit cards for the upcoming SCHOLARSHIP TEST. #Bhadra_2_2075 #Pre_Engineering_new_Class_Bhadra 4-2075) #12_Class_running_students) Call us @ 4101611, 4101612
Your best wishes to all IOE examiner students,
कक्षा १२ को नतिजामा सफलता प्राप्त गर्ने सबैलाइ बधाइ ! * ग्रेड वृद्धि परिक्षाको फारम २०७५ भदौ १० सम्म भर्ने, परिक्षा: २०७५ भदौ १६ गते ! * नतिजा चित्त नबुझेमा भदौ १ भित्र NEB वा शाखा कार्यलयमा पुनरयोगका लागि निवेदन बुझाउने ।