Prime Global School is a large educational network consisting of pre-school, elementary, secondary and higher secondary school. It is an autonomous private organization powered by Prime College dedicated to excel in the academic arena adopting the modern system of education.
Its objective is to build responsible men and women with leadership qualities and integrity, who happen to be a part of an extraordinary network of people, making a difference in the fast changing world of today.
The school aims to provide feasible opportunities to all: children, parents and teachers to come together and plant collective efforts to put forward a platform where the delivery of quality education is possible.
We, at Prime Global School, differ in defining quality as it is usually perceived. Quality, to us, is more than just complying with set standards: it is about attaining the three satisfactions where the trio includes parents, children and teachers.
We aim at improving the quality of education through child centered learning, where importance is given to the all round development of each individual child.
We do not believe in forcing education upon children but to make them want to learn and making them partners in the learning experience.
Keeping in mind our motto: “LEARNER TODAY, GLOBAL LEADER TOMORROW”, we give your ward(s) the very best, each and every day...
Nothing nobler than a life of a teacher - Our Faculty Members
Staff Training: Almost all of the working staff at Prime Global School have undergone a basic training in Universal Precaution and Child Care Safety.
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