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Master of Finance and Control MFC, Tribhuvan University



Master of Finance and Control MFC, Tribhuvan University is a university, located at Kathmandu, Nepal

An official page of MFC programme Tribhuvan University.

Tags : #CollegeUniversity, #College&University

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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020




The Faculty of Management of Tribhuvan University offers a variety of courses in general, functional and sectoral management areas. The courses are designed according to the need of the country and the international trends in management education.

The mission and objectives of Faculty of Management (FOM) is to contribute to the
development of efficient and capable manpower for the business, government, and social
sectors. FOM is continuously involved in development and upgrading of its curricula, teaching methods, and examination system. Its programs are designed with greater degree of flexibility that allows the incorporation of the latest development in theory and practice of management. It has already launched BBA, BIM, BHM programs at the bachelor level, and MBA, MTS and MASTER OF FINANCE AND CONTROL (MFC).

The focused MFC program focuses on specialized areas of management i.e. finance. The program has been designed in a modular format to be implemented over four semesters.


To develop executives and managers for various areas of economic and social life of the
country with a high level of competence.

To develop management professionals and entrepreneurs with a global perspective.

To enhance knowledge, managerial skills, and exposure of the practicing managers,
executives, and entrepreneurs.

To broaden the outlook of students by inculcating positive attitudes and by assisting
them to become productive and responsible citizens of the world.

MFC Program

The vision and mission of MFC program are as under:
To be a Center of Excellence in business education and research.


With the increase in liberalization, privatization, and globalization around the globe, the
economic, business, and financial activities have increased tremendously over a period of time
in almost all the nations of the world. It has created many opportunities in the area of trade,
industry, commerce, finance, investment and allied areas but at the same time it has also
brought many challenges. Basically, competition has increased much more in business and
businesses have been employing recent graduates to meet the ever increasing competition.
Distresses and financial crises of varying magnitudes have occurred in practically every
continent. These crises were concerned with overpricing of stock market and bank runs of
1930s, underestimation of country default risk & overpricing of sovereign debt, overpricing of
housing sector and housing bubble, overpricing of investment instruments, frequent asset-
liability mismatch, separation of ownership and control, creation of artificially high leverage
through unregulated mortgage backed securities and credit default swaps etc. The common
threats were leverage creating the risk, inadequate mitigation of risk by the market forces, asymmetric information and severe mis-pricing of risk and over-pricing of risky assets. In order to deal with issues, there is a need for specific type of manpower in the market, mainly, finance focused manpower. To fulfill the gap, the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan
University has designed Master of Finance and Control (MFC) program with the objective of
producing managers who are equipped with the latest managerial principles and techniques
with a special focus on financial issues so enabling them to meet challenges created by recent business trend.

The Semester System

In the MFC program, each course has a certain number of credits assigned to it depending on
its lecture, tutorial and practical work hours in a week. One lecture hour per week per semester
is assigned one credit. That is one credit hour course must include 16 contact hours during the
There will be continuous evaluation of a student's performance through internal evaluation. The
variety of pedagogical methods will be used, such as, on-campus learning through classroom
discussion, presentation, group work, case analysis and guest lecture series, and off-campus
learning through project work, and on-line instructions.
The normal duration and the maximum duration for the completion of the requirement for the
program are as follows:
Normal duration: 24 months (4 semesters)
Maximum credit accumulation period: 4 years from the date of registration.
Program Objectives of the MFC
The basic objective of MFC program is to develop expertise of students of Masters of Finance and Control with a special focus finance, investments, banking, and insurance. The graduates of MFC program will be able to serve as finance officers in different banks & financial institutions, business firms, non-governmental organizations and government projects. The program aims to:

Provide students with a sound knowledge of basic concepts and principles of managing
business with a focus on financial decision making.

Enable the students to acquire financial decision making skills required for managing

Prepare the students to better understand a world of finance along with their

Familiarize the students with the most recent trends in financial decision making.

Program Features

The general features of the MFC program are:
solid foundation of the management concepts,
sound understanding of the managerial tools and techniques,
sound understanding of the tools and techniques required for financial decision making,
competence in financial decision making required
confidence in leading and managing their organizations through better financial decision

Duration of the Course:

The Master of Finance and Control (MFC) Program is an intensive two year course stretched over four semester of full time study, with every academic year having two semesters. After the completion of the program a student will be awarded Master of Finance and Control (MFC) by Tribhuvan University.

Total Credit Hours:

The MFC program consists of a total of 62 credit hours comprising foundation courses,
management core courses, finance core courses and elective courses. The program also includes graduate seminars and practicum courses. Students must undertake Internship Project during the third semester and Graduate Research Project (GRP) during the fourth semester.

Academic Sessions and Duration of the Term:
The MFC program normally requires four semester to complete. The duration of the term will be of 16 class weeks excluding examinations and tests. A concerned college/institute may run the program on full-time or part-time schedules.

Annual Intake:

The annual intake of students will be maximum 70, with twice a year admission of 35 students in
each intake for Fall and Spring Terms.
Admission Requirements and Procedure
Eligibility: Anyone having a bachelor degree or equivalent with 15 years of formal education
(12 years of schooling and three years of graduation) in any discipline with minimum 45 percent of the aggregate marks or 2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average in undergraduate level can apply for admission to MFC. Admission to the program is based on academic records, recommendations, scores on entrance test and performance in the personal interview and group discussions. The entrance test may be computer based or manual with essay/case writing and/or individual presentations.

Admission Process: The admission process in the MFC involves submission of complete
application form, two letters of recommendations, transcripts of all previous degrees (Bachelor,
Certificate and SLC) and along with payment of admission test fee within the date specified.

Course Registration:
The admitted students in the MFC are required to register courses at the beginning of each
Curricular Structure:
First Semester
RES 501-2: Statistical Analysis for Business
MIS 511-2: Computer Application in Business
COM 521-2: Business Communication
ECO 531-2: Macro Economics
ACC 541-2: Management Reporting System
ACC 542-2: Cost Accounting
LAW 551-2: Corporate Legal Framework
MGT 571-2: Management Concepts and Organization Behavior
INS 561-2: Insurance Management
Second Semester
MIS 512-2: Management Information System
RES 502-2: Research Methodology
ECO 532-2: Managerial Economics
MGT 572-1: Corporate Governance Seminar: Practicum
MGT 573-2: Human Resource Management
FIN 581-2: Financial Management
FIN 583-2: Financial Institutions and Markets
FIN 584-2: Investment Management
Third Semester
RES 503-2: Operations Management
ACC 543-2: Accounting for Managerial Decisions
FIN 582-2: Corporate Finance
FIN 586-1: Seminar in Finance
FIN 587-2: Multinational Business Finance
FIN 585-2: E-Commerce
INT 601-4: Internship
Fourth Semester
ACC 544-2: Corporate Tax Planning and Management
MGT 574-2: Strategic Management
FIN 588-2: Financial Services Marketing
FIN 589-2: Banking
FIN 590-2: Derivatives and Risk Management
RES 504-4: Graduate Research Project
Total credit hours
1 credit hour courses -2: Total
2 credits
2 credit hour courses -26: Total
4 credit hour courses -2: Total
8 credits
Grand total:
Internship Program
Students are required to undertake internship for practical exposure on what they have learnt in
the classroom for a period of minimum 8 to maximum of 12 weeks. Students are required to
submit the Internship Project Report in the prescribed format. The evaluation of the Internship shall be based on confidential report of the host organization (40 percent) and presentation of the Internship Project Report in a seminar (60 percent).

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