OPENING SOON - Luxurious resort in Kapilvastu Chandrauta, 2 kms from Chandrauta chowk- 45 kms from Bhairahawa International Airport. Aimed to serve an organic food and we are located in.. [read more]
Water Park & family Restaurant @ salghari butwal 13. ��. [read more]
Der Chitwan-Nationalpark ist ein Nationalpark in Nepal, der 1973 als erster Nationalpark des Landes unter dem Namen Royal Chitwan National Park gegründet wurde. [read more]
A Májá dévi templom ősi buddhista templom és világörökségi helyszín a nepáli Lumbini városa mellett. Ez az emlékhely legfőbb temploma, ugyanis hagyományosan ezt tekintik Gautama Buddha szülőhelyének. [read more]
Kuil Maya Dewi adalah sebuah kuil Buddha terletak di Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO, Lumbini, Nepal. Kuil ini adalah kuil utama di Lumbini, sebuah situs yang secara tradisional dianggap sebagai.. [read more]
Ramagrama stupa is a stupa located in Ramgram Municipality, in the Nawalparasi District of Nepal. This Buddhist pilgrimage site, which was constructed some 2500 years ago, contains relics of.. [read more]
Shankar Nagar Ban Bihar and Research Centre, simply referred as Ban Batika by locals is a popular attraction in Tilottama Municipality. The Centre is maintained inside Shankarnagar Community Forest. [read more]
Paschim Kalikanagar Khanepani tatha sarsafai sanstha is a park, located at Kalika Nagar, Butwal. They can be contacted via phone at 9847200082 for more detailed information. [read more]
This is the official Facebook page of Global Peace Retreat Center, Butwal, Nepal. Stay tuned for latest spiritual news and information. . [read more]
Tourist office in Chitwan Nepal. Jungle tours,jungle safari's, bird watching, canoe trip, wildlife expiriance with respect for nature. Plastic free, eco office But also social work. [read more]
मल्लरानी प्यूठानको एक गाउँपालिका हो । जस अन्तर्गत ५ वटा वडा रहेका छन् ।. [read more]
El Templo Maya Devi es un antiguo templo budista ubicado en Lumbini (declarada patrimonio de la humanidad), Nepal. Es el templo principal de esta localidad, tradicionalmente considerado como el.. [read more]
Visit us at chitwannationalparktours. . [read more]
It is believed that tooth of Ramapithekas was found. . Really historic place. should visit once. . Adventure and fun comes in whole at this point. . [read more]