It is the official Page Of Aijalon AG Church Tulsipur,Dang Hope from this page we can share the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord to who are perishing. [read more]
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. ” - Matthew 18:20. [read more]
This page is dedicated & devoted to serve the Lord Jesus Christ who is above everyone. LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD (PS 150:6). [read more]
गुल्मी टेलिभिजन को आधिकारिक पेसबुक पेज हो ।. [read more]
A Májá dévi templom ősi buddhista templom és világörökségi helyszín a nepáli Lumbini városa mellett. Ez az emlékhely legfőbb temploma, ugyanis hagyományosan ezt tekintik Gautama Buddha szülőhelyének. [read more]
Bethani Baptist Church. [read more]
Nepal Pentecostal Church is a full gospel church. It established in 1987. The founder Pastor is Rev. Bhanu Bhakta Bholan (Barnabas). The Church service start. [read more]
महिला समाजको सम्मान हो ।. [read more]
Kuil Maya Dewi adalah sebuah kuil Buddha terletak di Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO, Lumbini, Nepal. Kuil ini adalah kuil utama di Lumbini, sebuah situs yang secara tradisional dianggap sebagai.. [read more]
Nawajeevan AG Church established on 06 January 2007. Our church is associated with Assemblies of God of Nepal (AGN). It is in Butwal-13, Rupandehi. . [read more]
El Templo Maya Devi es un antiguo templo budista ubicado en Lumbini (declarada patrimonio de la humanidad), Nepal. Es el templo principal de esta localidad, tradicionalmente considerado como el.. [read more]
Bijaya Getasamani Church. [read more]