Control, Care, Cure..
Ken center welcomes BDO Jyoti Sapkota
Launch of Tradjenta & Tradjenta duo.. Celebrating the moments with BI team & KEN team, Dr Bajranj Kumar Rauniyar at KEN center
TEEJ Offer Get yur health checked up timely,stay healthy..
Kidney,diabetes,dental & eye camp at New Baneswor in association with Community police service -10. Thanks to Dr Sagar Shrestha, Dr Reshma Shrestha Dr Anil kumar,Dr Dilip jha & other doctors, KEN team, Dristi eye center Jamal, social volunteers
Free Dr check up on Kidney, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, eye, dental awaring ppl on hypertension, diabetes.. Stopping kidney disease..
First Nepal medical tourism expo 2018.
Who may be in risk with diabetes.
मधुमेहका बिरामीहरुको लागि खाना सम्बन्धि जानकारीका लागि डाइटिसियन सेवा, केन सेन्टरमा। आफ्नो मधुमेह नियन्त्रण गरी diabetic complication बाट बचौ। हामी सबैले खाना खान त जानेका छौ तर कती र कसरी, थाहा हुदैन ।अत समयमा नै डाइटिसियन सग परामर्श गरौ।
The diabetic diet platter @ Apollo Hospitals Delhi..
Activities of KEN healthcare center at Butwal..
Tale of doctors