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Institute of Medicine is a hospital, located at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal 44600. They can be contacted via phone at 977014410911, visit their website www.iom.edu.np for more detailed information.

Institute of Medicine (IOM), Nepal, located in the capital city-Kathmandu, is the premier medical institution of Nepal. G. P.O.BOX 1524

Tags : #GovernmentOrganization, #MedicalSchool

Location :
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu 44600
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday 09:00 - 13:00
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday 09:00 - 17:00


Institute of Medicine (IOM), Nepal, located in the capital city-Kathmandu, is the premier medical institution of Nepal.

Institute of Medicine has been entrusted with :

Institute of Medicine (IOM), established in 1972 at Tribhuvan University, was entrusted with the responsibility of training health care workers at all levels for the health care manpower needs of Nepal. Within the first decade of its establishment, the IOM developed a total of 12 campuses scattered over the country—3 campuses in Kathmandu and 9 campuses outside the Kathmandu Valley.

Initially, the emphasis of IOM was on the training of middle-level health workers. Programmes serving this purpose include ANM, CMA, Proficiency Certificate Course in General Medicine, Pharmacy, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Health Laboratory and Traditional Medicine.

With the passage of time, the institutional goals of IOM have continued to change. The mission of the IOM eventually expanded into training tertiary level health professionals. By 1977 it had at the graduate level a 2-year Bachelor of Nursing Programmes in Community Nursing, Paediatric Nursing and Adult Nursing.

In 1978, a community-oriented integrated MBBS programme was started with intake of 22 students. Subsequently the class size was increased to 60, and in 2013 it was further increased to 76.

In a groundbreaking moment for the institute, Professor Prakash Sayami was appointed as the new dean of the Institute, prompted by a second fast-unto-death by Professor Govinda K.C. This brought a change to the system of appointment of the officials on the basis of political affiliations and promulgated the system of seniority in the Institute.

Mounting pressure from the Tribhuvan University officials on political appointments and provision of affiliations to resource poor hospitals led to the resignation of Professor Prakash Saymi. He was succeeded by political appointee Prof. Sashi Sharma. Prof. Sharma is alleged to be involved in embezzlement of large amounts of money during his term as the vice-president of Nepal Medical Council and was subjected to investigations by the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA). In reaction, Professor Govinda KC, the philanthropist orthopedic surgeon, announced a fast unto death in January 2014.


1 Hospital
2 B. P. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies
3 New buildings
4 Recent addition
5 Central University Nursing Schools and Hospitals
6 Major Affiliated Hospitals, Nursing and medical colleges
7 Optometry
8 Faculty of Nursing
9 Faculty of Ayurveda
10 Departments & Support Centres
11 Scholarships


Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, a 300-bed teaching hospital, was completed in 1984 with support from JICA, and another 100 beds were added in 1993. At 444 beds, Tribhuvan University Hospital is currently the largest hospital in country, providing new tertiary level health service to the Nepalese people. This hospital is the site of teaching and research activities of IOM. However, the hospital had over six million rupees in liabilities of running cost. Renowned cardiosurgeon Professor Bhagwan Koirala has sworn in as the new Director of the Hospital and has vowed to end the rampant irregularities and corruption within the hospital. Politics has once again played a part in the hospital and even the so-called clean people have not supported the good works of Dr. Koirala - so has submitted a resignation to the dean of the institute. The official website is http://www.teachinghospital.org.np
B. P. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies

B. P. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies (BPKLCOS)- a collaborative project of Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine, B.P. Eye Foundation and Lions Club International District 325, is an important landmark in the history of blindness prevention in Nepal. Established with funds partially provided by Lions Club International Sight First Program and co-financed by Lions Club International Multiple District 102 Switzerland and Liechtenstein, this center has provided its services to about 82,000 eye patients in the last two years of its establishment. The Center provides services not only at its premises but also at satellite clinics and eye camps in the far-flung areas of the country.

BPKLCOS is the place where MD Ophthalmology resident doctors and B. Optometry students have their clinical rotations and other academic activities.
New buildings

Four other centers have started functioning since early 2009. Those includes-

Ganesh Man Singh Center for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery-The out-patient department is functioning fully. Still the in-patient and operative procedures are carried out in the old building of the main Teaching Hospital Complex.

Manamohan Cardiovascular and Transplant Center-Center is fully functioning with its own sets of faculty and medical officers.

Gynaecology and Obstetrics Centre-under-construction.

Paediatric Center-It is fully functioning.

New Emergency Building-It was recently inaugurated by honorable president of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav. It was built by the owner of Bhatbhateni Super market in the memory of his parents.

Recent addition

Emergency Building-with the financial aid from the Bhatbhateni Supermarket, a new infra-structure for emergency department is constructed. It is now fully functional and equipped with labs and imaging facilities for dealing with critical situations round the clock. Patients are triaged into red, yellow and green zones according to the severity of the illness. Those who need minimal observation are placed in the observation ward. A new rule was enforced by incoming Director of the hospital in restricting referrals to other hospitals as long as beds are available within the hospital.

Central University Nursing Schools and Hospitals

Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Maharajgunj (Also known as The Central Campus, IOM)
Ayurved Campus, Kirtipur
Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj
Pokhara Nursing Campus, Pokhara
Birgunj Nursing Campus, Birgunj
Biratnagar Nursing Campus, Biratnagar
Nepalgunj Nursing Campus, Nepalgunj.

Major Affiliated Hospitals, Nursing and medical colleges

Peoples' Dental College, Nayabazar, Kathmandu
Lalitpur Nursing Campus, Lalitpur
Universal College of Medical Sciences, Bhairhawa
National Medical College, Birgunj
Janaki medical college, Janakpur
Chitwan medical College, Bharatpur
Gandaki Medical College, Pokhara
Nepal Ayurved Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Birgunj

With support from the University of Calgary, Canada, a three-year Postgraduate Generalist (family physician) training and one-year Postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthesiology were started in 1982 and 1984, respectively. Today the IOM has a total of 29 different programs, from proficiency certificate level to the highest postgraduate degree in medicine, public health, paramedical, nursing and traditional Ayurveda medicine through Tribhuvan University Hospital and 9 campuses scattered all over the country.

There are no independent optometry colleges in Nepal. In 1997, Bachelor of Optometry was introduced in IOM initially as a 3-yr course. In 2003, the course was revised and made a four-year course to meet the international standards.

National Health Profession Council (NHPC)with the recommendations of Nepalese Association of Optometrists (NAO) is the regulating body of Optometrists in Nepal as there is no separate optometry-council yet. However, like in other countries, recognition of Optometrists (Recently recognized as 'Doctors of Optometry' by the NAO as in US, Australia, Philipinnes etc., is increasing and their vital role in Eye-care field is being realized.

Optometry in IOM is under Department of Ophthalmology. It is a unique place in the world where Optometrists are trained along with the MD Ophthalmology residents by the ophthalmology and optometry faculties.
Faculty of Nursing

In 1972, with the introduction of the New Education System Plan, nursing education became the responsibility of the Institute of Medicine (IoM), Tribhuvan University. The first Nursing school then became an IoM campus and the second one, an extension campus. These campuses ran a three-year nursing certificate programme that remained very much oriented to hospital nursing. Although the curriculum continued to be that to preparing nurses for hospital services.

In 1987, following a major review process which extended over a period of several years, a new primary health-care oriented curriculum was introduced. This curriculum intends to meet the health-care needs of the people of Nepal. Therefore, the aim is to produce graduates who have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to provide preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative aspects of care, to individuals, families and community.

The existing two-track post basic BN program was started in 1968. The decision to start the revised program was based on having just one nursing program at the Bachelor level with two tracks/community nursing and hospital nursing. Having two tracks with students taking common one course in areas of teaching, leadership management and research helped to prepare nurses to be flexible and adapt to any area of nursing practice. Since the introduction of the first post-basic program, 404 nurse have graduated.

The recent development in nursing education is a program leading to a master's degree in nursing (MN). The result of a study conducted in 1991 to determine the need for and the feasibility of introducing an MN program, indicated that with the expansion of health services, there would be a need for more nursing positions requiring higher level qualifications. The study results also indicated that with the expansion of health services, there would be a need for more nursing positions requiring higher level qualifications. The study results also indicated that 90 percent of the BN graduates surveyed were interested in undertaking study at the masters degree level in Nepal. The curriculum for the MN program was developed and plans were implemented in April, 1995.

The most recent program in Nursing is B.Sc Nursing which was started in 2005 AD with 20 students. The program was focused in meeting the international standard of four years bachelor degree and provide the nation with high skilled manpower in the field of nursing.
Faculty of Ayurveda

Ayurveda Campus is the only centre for Ayurvedic education in Nepal. It resulted from the merging of HMG's Ayurveda Vidhyalaya and Chikitsalaya with the Institute on Medicine in 1972. History reveals that Rajakiya Ayurveda Vidhyalaya was the first to start technical education in the country in 1993 BS. Though striving for infrastructure since more than two decades. Bachelor and Certificate admissions were interrupted in 1991 and 1993 and was restarted in 1996. It admits 15 students every year into its 5½ years course with 3 professionals of 18 months each, followed by an internship of one year.

Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)

The BAMS programme enables the learners: - to be competent, capable to providing ayurveda health services in Nepal, identifying and managing health institutions.

Course of Study:: The curriculum is divided into the professionals of 18 months each. The students have to pass in all the subjects before being promoted to the next professional. To be able to take the professional examinations, one must pass the internal assessment.

Departments & Support Centres

National Centre for Health professions Education (Former Medical Education Department) Training of teachers on medical education: IOM teachers as well as teachers from other medical colleges. Training of trainers to help different program of Ministry of Health and population Assisted in the development of national policy on education of health professionals education.

Health Learning Materials Center:: Played a pioneering role in the development of learning materials to assist the primary health care movement of the government as well in training the writers, editors and illustrators for the development of learning materials in the country.

Mental Health Project: Provide community based mental health care in the country. It is working at various levels including developing needed human resources and raising the awareness in the community. It is working to uplift the mental health status for positive psychological and social development of children.

Postgraduate education and research support center:: Central Library Tribhuvan University, Teaching Hospital (TUTH) Library under institute of Medicine, started since 1978, previously known as Central Campus Library, IOM which was established from 1972. This Library is also the deposited center of WHO publications.

Department of Information Technology:: Development of a sustainable Internet Service Provider inside the premises of Institute of Medicine. It has played a key role in enhancing the access to internet to the faculty and students of the institute.

IOM Nepal provides several scholarships for Nepalese students every year to undergo various medical courses.



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