Imaging Trade Concern is a IT Company serving far-western region of Nepal since 2007. ITC is a computronix shoppee store with a team of IT professionals. we believe "Customer is the only one boss of business".
Our Working Areas are:
#Trading Solutions
# Hardware & Networking
# Laptos & Desktops
# Mobile & Electronics
# UPS/Inverters/Batteries
# Printers/Photocopy
# Water Purifiers
# Professional Services
# Website/Mobile App Development
# Custom needed softwares
and many more.
God Bless you all !
#FAREWELL #SurajBohara It is very hard to say goodbye, We wish you the all the best and thank you for your years of dedication, enthusiasm and team spirit. Working with you for the past 2 years has been a joy! While We'll miss working side-by-side with you, We wish you all the best for ahead. Team ITC STORE Jivi Mobiles
Brand of your choice Jivi Mobiles now available in every mobile shop.
Amazing ! Let's make a choice ITC STORE
◆ Decorate your shop with sweet blue. ◆ Decorate your shop by sweet brand. ◆ Superior feelings user experience. ◆ Jivi Mobiles in everyone's Pocket.
Thankful to #कान्तिपुर_सप्लायर्स_लमकि for joining hands together #Partners Jivi Mobiles
Congratulations !!! Shaileshwori Mobile Sukhad Kailali We wish for Happy Selling & Business growth ! ◆ Joining hands together as Retail partner. ITC STORE Jivi Mobiles #शैलेष्वरी मोबाइल सुक्खड़
Helping hands for #Farwest_Mobile_Team !
Congratulations!!! #OmMbileअतरिया We wish him for Happy Selling & Business growth ! ◆ Joining hands together as Retail partner. ITC STORE Jivi Mobiles #OmMobile