हामी शिक्षित, सभ्य संस्कृत अनी प्रगतिशील राष्ट्र बनाउन प्रतिबद्ध छौं ।. [read more]
Shishu Niketan English Boarding School, Badkhola, Syangja. [read more]
Welcome to the Shree Bhagawati Primary School, Bangephadke Syangja. Please invite your friends to »» Like «« this page in your friends circle. . [read more]
This is Official Facebook Page of Shree Maidan Secondary School. Please Invie Your Friends To Like Our School Facebook Page. THANK YOU. [read more]
Official Page of Shree Shiddha Public College Kaski. . [read more]
The company where you get complete solution for your laptop and education. Chip Tech provides you chip level repairing as well as technical education. [read more]
It's an attempt to bring together all the Belchautarians of DPBHS (WRPHSS), Belchauta from in and around the world. . . . [read more]
BhanuBhakta Acharya Secondary School is a reputed School situated at Galyang,Syangja. . [read more]
St. Mary's High School 14 KM, Nagpani, Gorkha Municipality-11, Gorkha. Mobile No. - 9846570054 E-mail - gorkhasms@gmail. com. [read more]
Official page of Drabya Shah Multiple Campus Gorkha. [read more]
"This page is designed for the purpose of sharing updates,news and also informing former students and well wishers and foster quality education in School". [read more]
New Class commence from 2075 Shrawan 1st. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EPS-TOPIK 2019 Korean Language with Multimedia Smart Class. . . . "कोरियन भाषाको.. [read more]
Alamdevi Basic English School. [read more]
. . . . . "WE, FOR DEVELOPING THE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS. . . . " We are always devoted to develop the character, education and career of students. [read more]
बिद्या ल य शिक्षक स्टाप एक जना अनुपस्थित 2 जना बाल्बिकासमा कार्यरत
Best place to discuss your all IELTS and TOEFL. . [read more]
Welcome to the official TIME ACADEMY Facebook page, your source for news and conversation aboutTIME's educational services. . [read more]
The Only High School In the Area which use to occupy Thousands of Student All from near by Junior & Primary Schools. . [read more]
Celebrating Asar29 Bhanu jyanti by dear students.
Celebrating Asar 29 bhanu jayanti by dear students
Dear children are bg on prayer
ग्रीनप्लान्ट आवासीय उच्च मा. वि बाट २०७१ सालको एस. एल. सी मा ९३. ६२५%.. [read more]
Devdaha EBHS is one of the reputed school not only in Devdaha also in Rupandehi District. It Proudce brilliant skilled students for the devlopment of Nepal. [read more]
Acadamic Excellence Through Better Teaching Methods. [read more]
music production. . . arranging, recording and music classes 9806581352,9860377026. [read more]
गुणस्तरीय शिक्षाका लागि ।. [read more]
Jyoti English Secondary Boarding School, Pragtinagar, Syangja, Nepal, was established in 1987 AD by Mr Buddhi Sagar Tripathi who is still the Principal of the school. [read more]
An English medium school, established in 1985 AD and is located at Harichaur,Baglung. . [read more]
Siddartha Shiksha Sadan, is a residental and a private boarding school, located on the lap of Baglung Municipality-1, Ramrakha Baglung. . [read more]
SRBEBS is an English medium school in Sotipasal, Lamjung, Nepal. Currently, SRBEBS has pupils enrolled in classes from Nursery to Class 6. . [read more]
Japan, Australia, Europe पढ्न जाने बिधार्थि हरूको पहिलो पाईलो,तपाईको संकल्प हामी पूरा गरछौ।. [read more]
This is one of the famous Village in Kaski. Bhawishya Nirman Secondary School falls in this VDC. [read more]