Destination place for fooding, fishing, camp firing,live music,peace environment and many more. [read more]
#info:#serious_issue देशमा दिनदिनै बलात्कार र हत्याका घटना बढ्दै गइरहेको छ। यस्तो क्रम पछिल्लो समयमा ३० प्रतिशतका दरले बढ्दै गएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ! #Sad_news
भारतको ७२औं स्वतन्त्रता दिवसको अवसरमा नेपालस्थित भारतीय.. [read more]
जननी जन्मभूमिस्च स्वर्गादपी गरियसी. [read more]
हरिनास गाउँपालिका, स्याङ्गजा, प्रदेश नम्बर ४।. [read more]
Bongadovan Baglung page aims to open this page is for people's to know about our place. . [read more]
यस नार्पा भूमि गाउँपालिकाको सचिव पदमा सरुवा भई आउनु भएका नायव सुब्बा.. [read more]
नेपाल मेरो देश ,नेपाली मेरो पहिचान,सगरमाथा मेरो शिर,गौतम बुद्ध मेरो दर्शन, धन्यवाद जय नेपाल |. [read more]
This is an official page of jaljala gau palika. . [read more]
Ajirkot Village. . Muchok Village. [read more]
हाम्रै गाउँ, हाम्रो गौरव हाम्रो देश ,हाम्रो वेश हाम्रो साथ,हाम्रो एकता. [read more]
बिद्या ल य शिक्षक स्टाप एक जना अनुपस्थित 2 जना बाल्बिकासमा कार्यरत
बडीगाड गाउँपालिकाको बारेमा जान्नको लागि हाम्रो पेजलाई लाइक हान्न नभुल्नु होला ।।. [read more]
Best place to discuss your all IELTS and TOEFL. . [read more]
damaulievents. com is a commercial website with an motto entertain visitors and globelized local news photos of models, events and everything else. . [read more]
Welcome to the official TIME ACADEMY Facebook page, your source for news and conversation aboutTIME's educational services. . [read more]
The Only High School In the Area which use to occupy Thousands of Student All from near by Junior & Primary Schools. . [read more]
Transit Restaurant Damauli is a restaurant, located at Vyas-2, Tanahun. [read more]
Rotaract brings together adults ages 18-30 to take action in their communities, develop their leadership and professional skills, and have fun. . [read more]
पुतलीवजार नगरपालिका स्याङ्जा जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम हो ।. [read more]
Women's Skills Development Organization Pokhara is a Fair Trade organization. It has been working since 1975 as a non-profit organization. . [read more]
अत्याधुनिक मेशिनबाट प्रशोधन तथा स्क्रिनिङ्ग गरिएको क्रसर तथा नेचुरल साइजका गिट्टी, बालुवा, चिप्स, वेश, तथा डस्ट साथै स्तरीय कंक्रिट ब्लक, लोडर, स्क्याभेटर, ट्रिपर, जे. [read more]
Syangja, Waling. [read more]
O lago Fewa, também grafado lago Phewa é um lago de água doce do Nepal, situado a sul do maciço do Annapurna, na parte sul do vale de Pokhara, que inclui a cidade de Pokhara, além de partes.. [read more]
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna Have you ever wondered why so many people chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and what it's all about? Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare. [read more]
#farming #goatfarming #agricultureinnepal
22से24से राज्य शासन कालमा भुण्डे राजाले प्रयोग गर्नुभएको ऐतिहासीक पुरात्वतिक सम्पदा ओखल ।बाग्लुङ भकुण्डे 1 मुलावारी भ्यूतावरको आडमा
Baglung bhakunde 10 hiratal football garound
Brazil 5 x0 El Salvador. Neymar silenced critics! 1 GOAL OF NEYMAR AND 3 assists 🔥🇧🇷️⚽ Respect my head!
Neymar fans enjoying Ney. Jr. Fãs
This village has natural beauty and lies at northern part of Tanahun. . [read more]
Peace ! Help Us To Bring The People Closer. [read more]
मध्यपहाडी व्यापारीक तथा पर्यटकिय शहर" | "सुन्दर समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक बागलुङ नगर". [read more]
This is an official Facebook page of DCC Gorkha. . [read more]
HDCS-Lamjung District Community Hospital (LDCH) is a district level hospital which Human Development and Community Services (HDCS) has been managing in partnership with the Government of Nepal. [read more]
Eastern part of Lamjung. [read more]
Chale hum khet ki aur.
Rainas is a beautiful,historical municipality of South-Eastern Lamjung with enormous development potentialities. Kathmandu-Prithvi Highway-Bhanu Highway-Mid-Hill Highway-Rainas. [read more]