This is the group of CA Students initiated Since 2013 with the following Objectives:-
# Short-Term Objectives:-
1. To provide the proper guidance for CA
2. To create a platform for discussion of any queries regarding CA Courses.
3. To provide a basic information about course, rules and regulation of institute, amendments, notifications and other informations as may be required by the students.
4. To provide a special guidance to the new entrants.
# Long-Term Objective:-
- To help in the overall development of CA profession, where CA's would not be only looking for the personal benefit but also will be contributing a lot in the development of the nation and the economy as a whole.
# Our Request:-
-Feel free to ask any queries.
-We always welcome the Feedbacks.
-We will be thankful for your post and views.
# Authorities
1. Samundra Sapkota. (Initiator)
CA-Final (IPCC-AIR 47)
Contact'- +91-9711550478
2. Aasish Upadhaya.
3. Aman Amar maharjan
4. Sushil Chandra Lamsal
5. Nabaraj Parajuli
“Today, I will win because I have faith, courage and enthusiasm.”
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