College of Medical Sciences is affiliated to the Kathmandu University and fully recognized by the Nepal Medical Council. The MBBS course was introduced in 1996.
The college has excellent infrastructure and creating the best educational environment in the country having spacious class rooms, air conditioned library, clean hostels, hygienic canteen and furnished accommodation for faculty members.
Further more, the college is recognized by:
The General Medical Council, Great Britain, The ECFMG -U.S.A., The Sri Lankan Medical Council and Enlisted in the W.H.O’s World Directory of Medical Schools.
BREATH ANALYZER being handed over to Dr Rohan Jha and police personel posted at COMS by Dr Rajesh Yadav to rule out मा प से at casualty of COMS.
VI & VIII th Semester Ending Examination Schedule July/August 2018
It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the sudden demise of Prof. Dr. Rajendra Singh Dhaka , Professor and Head of the department , Department Of Pathology, COMSTH on Wednesday afternoon, 11 July Shahid Ganga Lal National Heart Center, Kathmandu. We in the College of Medical sciences and Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur, Chitwan are still trying to come to terms with this sad, tragic news. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family members of Prof. Dhaka. We pray to almighty lord to impart the patience to the family members to bear with this loss. Sir was a strong man, a great trainer, full of life, passionate about his work, and was a great mentor to his team. We have lost a great champion of his specialty, a wonderful person, and an exceptional teacher. Rest in peace Sir. We will miss you.
Nagender K Pampati Chairman and CEO ISME, COMSTH
Dr. V Natraj Prasad Resident Director ISME, COMSTH
Congratulations to Dr Atanu Pan sir, senior Pediatrician, CMS, Nepal on recipient of prestigious medical degree FRCP, UK. Your hard work has yielded you this proud and happy moment. Wish you many success ahead.
Farewell Meeting of Respected Dr BN Patowary Sir, Dr Patowary Madam and Dr BK Sharma sir
Clinical Meeting of surgical society of Chitwan, Organised by College of medical sciences @ 12-May-2018
AO Alliance Seminar Basic Principles of Fracture Management for Operating room personnel @ April 29-30, 2018
Started performing PTCA (coronary angioplasty) via radial route.Thanks to Cath Lab team(CMS) for saving young female with heart attack without any known modifiable risk factors.
New year Celebrations with all CMS Family , (Happy New year 2075)
नव वर्ष २०७५ को शुभ अवसरमा पुरानो मेडिकल कलेज भरतपुर–१०, चितवन तपाई र तपाईको परिवारको सु–स्वास्थ्य, समृद्धि तथा दीर्घायूको कामना गर्दछ ।
ENT Workshop on 29th to 30th March 2018
Let the previous year-end and the New Year start with the warmest of aspirations. Happy New Year 2018
Happy Diwali & Chhath 2074
As the candlelight flame Ur life may always be happy, As the mountain high U move without shy, As sunshine creates morning glory fragrance fills years as Flory, All darkness is far away As light is on its way.
Wish you a very Happy Vijaya Dashami.
NOTICE (29-Aug-2017)