Shree Bhu. Pu. Sainik English Boarding Higher Secondary School was established by a team of enthusiastic, inspiring encouraging and education loving ex- soldiers and service holders of the British, Indian and Nepalese Armies in 2045 B.S. The school, one of the best institutions of Gandaki zone in Western Development Region of the country, is situated at the heart of town, Waling (on the bank of Andhikhola River) in Waling Municipality, Waling Syangja. Waling is a small town endowed with natural beauty and serene environment.
It lies about 800 meters above the sea level. The town is almost 60 K.M. south-west to Pokhara, the regional headquarter of Western Development Region. The Siddhartha Highway (Sunauli - Pokhara 179 K.M.) runs through this town, which is increasingly becoming a main trading center. The town has grown as an academic destination. The surging water in Aandhikola River, rice clad fields, green vegetation with Garahaunsur Temple on the top of Garahaunsur hill to the South of Waling.
The school was opened almost 27 years back with the concept of providing quality education at affordable costs with significant focus on the overall development of our students through mental, social, spiritual and physical growths. Our motto is "Quality Education, Homely environment, Psychological Treat and Builders of the Nation" The school has been committed to imparting quality education from the time of its establishment towards making the students of the quality citizens and good leaders of the nation and the world tomorrow. Along these lines to further its motto, an affiliation to HSEB (Higher Secondary Education Board) was obtained in 2058 B.S. . The school offers 10+2 under graduate degree in Management, Humanities and Education streams. There are over 1000 students from Nursery to Grade XII. As a carry-over of our traditions of good results, we pride on our 21st successive batches of students in S.L.C. and 13th +2 batches. Last year, the school marked its "Silver Jubilee Celebration Year 2071" on its glorious historical 25th Anniversary. Various programs including blood donation, tree plantation, street cleanness program, health awareness programs along with academic and physical programs were conducted throughout the year.
The school has implemented new tools, techniques technologies and teaching strategies to meet the growing demands of students and people. Bhu. Pu. Sainik Higher Secondary school has been a real platform for students to perform talents reveal pent up feeling and develop them by actively participating in various extra and co-curricular activities conducted at school and out. It is a non-profit making institution and that the whole lot of time, money, mind, resources and skills has always been utilized for the maximum welfare of all involved in it. The school has got its good academic environment with highly qualified, well experienced and dedicated teachers and sound physical facilities available. The academic excellence is enriched through a set of young, energetic, dedicated and well experienced, self motivated teaching staff, modern teaching methodology, approach and strategy supported by sound physical infrastructures.
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