Greenland Auto Enterprises, located at Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu. They can be contacted via phone at 014428970 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Sallah Ganesh Enterprises: You can contact us for Interior and Exterior paints in reasonable/wholesale price ensuring best quality. We are official dealer of Asian paints. [read more]
Computer Parts and Peripherals / Laptop / Printer / Projector / ADSL / DSL /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessories. [read more]
Lions club of ktm Paropakar. it is a social service organization which makes a service oriented programs to the people who actually is in needs. . [read more]
सेप्टी ट्यांकी सफा गर्नु परेमा ढल,टोइलेट,मंगाल,जाम भयमा सफा गर्नु परेमा हामीलाई सम्झनुहोला. [read more]
"Weight Loss & Wellness with Laxmi" is a platform to learn and follow the Weight Loss programme. Helping people to transform their body from 'Fat to Fit' is the objective here. [read more]
Tech Genio is for those tech enthusiasts who are eager to explore the tech trends now and then. . [read more]
We supply All sizes of Thermal Paper Roll, Carbonless Paper Roll, 2 Ply Roll, ATM Receipt Roll, Journal Roll etc. in Kathmandu and outside in Nepal. [read more]
"YUWA SANJAL BU. NA. PA-10 is a volunterring group of youths of Budhanilakantha Municipality having different perceptions coming in one platform to work together with ward10 in mission to.. [read more]
The core sales channel is to market products through online marketing, similar to any other established online imarketing company. To be able to achieve the scale of business and benefit.. [read more]
This is a family based company and continue to expand in the Capital Region Area as there is a growing demand of surgical Suppliers, Medical demand and we. [read more]
Nepal has plenty of mountains, hills, and plains; this diverse nation is enriched with the world’s highest peak, Mt. Everest, and other 8 peaks of 8000. [read more]
Welcome to Ree And Kee Dance and Zumba. We provide you trainings and practices of different dance forms, music, acting and many more from our well trained professionals to shape your confidence. [read more]
Comming Soon. . . . [read more]
We are the opportunity of Business, We will upgrade your Financial to promote Secure Business, with Trust and safe. We are your daily partner thats we serve as BUSINESS PARTNER. [read more]
Tattoo house specialising In black and grey tattoo, located in 2nd floor of city center. [read more]
Complete solution of engineering. [read more]
ブダニールカンタ寺院(Budhanilkantha Temple)は、ネパールのカトマンズの北へ11㎞、シヴァプリ山山麓のダニールカンタ村にある寺院。概要村に入るとすぐに小広場があり、その左手にヴィシュヌ像がある寺院が見える。四角い池に、身の丈5mほどの神像が横たわる。周囲は供物の花で始終飾られている。原初の海に浮かび、聖蛇の上で瞑想するナラヤンとしてのヴィシュヌ神を表現したもの。6世紀初頭の作と伝えられている。このため、この寺院がある一帯をナラヤンタンとも呼称されている。池に入る際には皮革製品をすべて外し、右回りに歩かねばならない。この寺院からさらに裏山を1時間ほど歩いたところの山の中腹にナギ・ゴンパと呼ばれるチベット仏教の尼寺があり、ここから見下すカトマンズの夕景が美しい。僧院の下を横切る新道は、東のスンダリジャル方面へつながっている。交通アクセスカトマンズのセントラル・バススタンドから市バスまたはミニバスで1時間半。タクシーならもう少し速い。外部リンク Natureviewtreks Tripadvisor. [read more]
We design modular kitchens, provide solar water panel, chimney, water treatment plant, water purifiers and all types of in-home appliances. . [read more]
Hey, welcome to the page enjoys our video. thanks for passing by. . [read more]
We manufacture copper utensils especially related to tibetan culture. All of our products are supplied to Khasa. Inbox us for any further details. . [read more]
TheFoodEx. com is Nepal’s most convenient food ordering site. It connects people with best restaurants around them. It delivers foods from more than hundre. [read more]
High Quality Cream, Face Wash & many other branded skin care items available at an affordable rate. The delivery is fast and minimal charge of delivery outside Kathmandu Valley. [read more]
Looking for mobile app developer? Hire us to develop any kind of android application using latest techniques and tools. . [read more]
Hello parents!! we home tution for all(htfa) provide home tution for your children based on pulchowk students we try to provide a best and affordable tutor for all the subjects Let us make a.. [read more]
We provide a wide varieties of mouthwatering masaledar Homemade products Like, Papad, Khichiya, Pickles, Masalas, Chips e. t. c. . [read more]
Super Premium Himalayan’s Natural Spring Bottled Water sourced from a pristine spring whose aquifer is connected with Gosainkunda,. [read more]
에베레스트산은 지구에서 가장 높은 산(해발 이라는 수식어가 앞에 붙게 되면 에베레스트산이 가장 높지만 해발이란 수식어가 붙지 않는다면 에베레스트 보다 더 높은 산이 있을 가능성이 존재한다. )이다. 네팔에서는 사가르마타라 부르고, 티베트어로는 초모랑마. 중국어에서는 티베트어 '초모랑마'를 그대로 차용해 주무랑마봉이라고 부른다. [read more]
The story behind those magical hands❣️ Sharing love in the form of food from one generation to another. . [read more]
It is simply the biodegradable leaf plates made up of different types of leaf such as palm,Sal,Areca etc. . [read more]
This is my very first website. it's about education and insurance. . [read more]
CASH BACK OFFER. [read more]
Cheapest & Fastest online shopping in Nepal. We are providing home � delivery Service in Kathmandu Valley & Carrier Service in All over Nepal. �Our motto is to make happy for.. [read more]
*we do produce and export CHURPI/DURKHA (DOG CHEW). *we also help the farmers who produce churpi to get a good market @ good value. . [read more]