Contact with us for Secondhand items @ suitable prices. Now only available in korea and japan and nepal. Msg Reply within 2 day. . [read more]
It is a foundation related with the families of the Martyrs & disappeared warriors & also to the families of the injured warriors during the revolution. [read more]
Welcome to CCTV Nepal. We, CCTV Nepal are the leading Security service provider of Nepal. we have wide range of office automation and security products. [read more]
mac education foundation is an organization for students to help them for right decision about further study for all faculty. . [read more]
RED CAFE is a restaurant, located at Aakha aspataal chok ghantaghar line birendranagar-6 surkhet, Kathmandu 2018. They can be contacted via phone at 9866952238 for more detailed information. [read more]
We offer unique combination of contemporary and traditional women's clothing. in addition, as a part of social obligation we provide training for the same. [read more]
घर -जग्गा खरिद बिक्रि तथा भाडामा लिन दिन ।. [read more]
8 Degrees, located at Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur 44700. They can be contacted via phone at 015543740 for more detailed information. . [read more]
This page has been created for the viewers from all over the world watching on our Rise Asia Online Television ( RAFN) in order to keep them updated about the Christian world. [read more]
Build a website or an online store. Launch your dream business in 1 hr or less without lifting a finger! Start, manage and grow your business. Sell physical products or digital downloads. [read more]
We supply aluminium fabrics for installing aluminium windows and doors (sliding) frames. Fabrics are available in white, black and natural color. . [read more]
As name states the friendliest cafe with delicious food and a small bar with all the alcoholic beverage you can imagine. . [read more]
Krishna construction is a construction firm origin from the city of cultural heritage Bhaktapur. A growing construction company who believes in quality. [read more]
We are the manufacturer of all kinds of cashmere & pashmina products, we also have retail outlet in Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal. [read more]
A complete beginners guide to Stock Trading. Learn cool stock trading tips and tools. Informative Business Ideas and more. [read more]
Noble International Consultancy is a pioneer in overseas education with global tie-ups and national presence. Study in Australia, Europe, USA, New Zealand, Canada. [read more]
トリブバン国際空港(トリブバンこくさいくうこう、、)は、ネパール連邦民主共和国の首都カトマンズにある国際空港である。カトマンズ中心地から約6km東に位置する。航空事故とその対策トリブバン空港はその立地条件から周囲を高い山に囲まれているために離着陸が難しい空港だと言われていて1992年に(タイ国際航空311便墜落事故(7月31日、死者113名)とパキスタン国際航空268便墜落事故(9月28日、死者167名)と着陸失敗による墜落事故が続けて2件発生した。当時、空港にはレーダー施設がなく、着陸の際には無線連絡と目視にのみ頼っていたことが問題視された。このため、ネパール政府の要請により日本の政府開発援助(ODA)の一環として1995年から1997年にかけてレーダー施設の設置工事が行われ、管制官の訓練や老朽化した施設の修復も行われた。2010年代に入り航空管制施設や衛星測位システムなどの発達によりRNP-AR(Required Navigation Performance – Authorization Required)方式の進入が可能となり、対応機材の航空機を運用していれば従来の進入方式よりある程度の曲線を描いた進入が可能となり経路短縮、空域騒音区域軽減、進入時間短縮による燃料消費、二酸化炭素排出の削減といった効果が期待され、2013年1月21日にエアバスはカタール航空保有の同社A319が同方式での同空港への進入に成功したことを発表し、同年4月に同空港をハブとするネパール航空は同方式に対応したA320を購入することを決定した。2014年1月27日にはNECがネパール民間航空公社から同空港近代化プロジェクトを総額約10億円で受注し、国際協力機構(JICA)を通じ、日本政府の政府開発援助無償資金協力により老朽化した監視レーダや情報処理システム等の機材を航空管制用レーダシステムとして、航空機から詳細な運航情報を取得できる二次監視レーダ(SSR:Secondary Surveillance Radar) および、レーダから取得した情報を利用するためのマルチセンサ情報処理システムへの更新計画を発表。就航航空会社と就航都市当空港を拠点としているネパール航空は国際線用機材を2機しか保有していないため、エンジントラブルや定期整備などで2007年5月15日以降運航が乱れている。この影響で大阪/関西線などは運休状態になっており、2008年3月から正常運航に復帰する予定だった。しかし、その後も運航再開の目途が立たないまま大阪/関西線は廃止となった。. [read more]
Itdurbar, located at New Road, Kathmandu. They can be contacted via phone at 01-4249089 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Gandaki Village Trekking and Travel Pvt. Ltd is a government registered trekking and tour company since 2010. Gandaki Village Trekking and Travel Pvt. [read more]
🚗|A Page for Autoinformation 📝|Review of Automobiles. [read more]
recording studio. [read more]
It is an IT company based on Nepal. . [read more]
A channel partner of Beckman Coulter and B. D. [read more]
All kind of pets. [read more]
The youngest Life Insurance Life Insurance company of Nepal. MLIL has entered into the market with innovative Insurance plans. . [read more]
My Happy Life मेरो खुसी जिवन, it is a vision to make people happy. . [read more]
Food delivery Services. [read more]
Горакшеп — замёрзшее дно озера, покрытое песком, а также небольшая шерпская деревня около него... [read more]
quality arrangements, competitive &fair price, small group organiser, personal service, responsible tourism. [read more]
Payoneer is a financial services company that provides online money transfer, digital payment services and provides customers with working capital. We are here to order your Payoneer MasterCard. [read more]
Bindas Production Pvt. ltd is full entertainment site with New Nepali Music, Nepali Cinemas, TV Serials, Comedy, and many more Other. . [read more]
Peace Envisioners Nepal, formerly known as Discharged Peoples Liberation Army of Nepal is a local organization working for rights and welfare of discharged People’s Liberation Army’s.. [read more]
Dharmakirti Vihar, located at Shreegha, Naghal, Kathmandu. They can be contacted via phone at 977 01 4259466 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Marigold is the name for the flower. Ms Binda Raut is the chief beautician with the sense of beautifying people. She has been in this industry since from last 14 years and has gained the.. [read more]
Domestic & International Air Ticketing Nepal Tour Package & Hotel Booking Car, Micro van & Bus Reservation. [read more]