Online store!. [read more]
VEDIC is a purely Ayurvedic centre. Curing the disease in diseased & maintainance of health in healthy. Panchakarma with Ayurvedic food and lifestyle(stay). [read more]
What do you do with the mad that you feel.
When you feel so mad you could bite? When the whole wide world seems oh, so wrong. . . And nothing you do seems very right?
Parkinson disease can be cured through ayurvedic acupressure in Sumeru
दाँत तथा मुख सम्बन्धि हरेक समस्या समाधान तथा सबै प्रकारका दाँत राख्नका लागि. [read more]
" We are well established, fast growing & very systematic Pharmaceuticals Distributor in Nepal. ". [read more]
- With more and more people studying, living or working in foreign countries, older people, especially parents and grandparents have no one tolook afte. [read more]
Subrat Pharmacy is a hospital, located at narephant, kathmandu, Kathmandu O. They can be contacted via phone at 9841505095 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hair Transplant can be done for person who don't have hair on head. We provided state of art hair transplant surgery at affordable price here in Nepal. [read more]
We are Everest Trade Link, we do supply Hospital Equipments/ Surgical Equipments and Medical Device, if you need any above items please do contact us. [read more]
औषधि ब्यबसायी हरु लाई बदनाम गरेर सस्तो लोकप्रियता हासील गर्ने उद्यस्य ले अभिप्रेरित भएर समाज मा नकारात्मक सन्देश फैलाउन पाइन्छ???, मन्त्री ज्यु ले मनन गर्नु पर्छ! चेतना भया!!!:
Kathmandu health home provide best service of physiotherapy and home care in the town since 2009. . . We treat various neuro and ortho related cases. . [read more]
Portable nebulizer
Opening of Surya Surgical & Trading Pvt. Ltd
Winter sale. . Anyone needed contact us. . . .
A Non-for-profit Organisation founded to provide a quality comprehensive eye care to people with poor socio-economic background in Nepal. . [read more]
Malpi coducts a blood donation program annually with the Nepal Red Cross Society. If you are in need of blood, please contact local blood bank or hospital. [read more]
DoseWallet is complete dictionary about the medicines you consume now in you mobile. Know about your medicines with just one click. . [read more]
. यस पेजमा आयुर्वेद औषधि,होमियोपैथिक औषधि,हर्वल औषधि र वायो केमिक औषधि बारे जानकारी दिइने छ ।. [read more]
Free camp on world thyroid day.
Emergency Medical evacuation in mountain,saving time saving lives. . . . . . . . [read more]
Healthrx is a student lead research foundation working to promote research skills in medical students by involving them in real time research!. [read more]
We are committed to help your precious one suffering from pain at your home with most professional, compassionate and attentive home care program. . [read more]
A private organization dedicated to providing the highest quality of care possible for those facing a loss of independence due to age or health related fac. [read more]
Union of Medical Lab. Assistant , Lab. Technician & Lab. Technologist in Nepal. Pls join with us. . . . . [read more]
Our clinic is located in jorpati-2(behind chamunda gate) ktm. We deal with all Kaind of medical problems & provides medicine as required & prescribed. [read more]
This organization focuses all the preventive, pro-motive, curative as well as rehabilitative quality dental hygiene services in Nepal. . [read more]
Pharmacy Store, Clinic, Dental Service, & Health Counselling to Apollo Hospitals. [read more]
Due to economic blockade by our neighbour , we are in dire shortages of essential medicines in our country. any one who needs some cardio diabetic medicines from quest ,lapen can contact us. [read more]
Janaki Herbal Shop, the one and only authorized distributor of central region for herbal products. . . . [read more]
We are authorized dealers and traders of surgical equipments such as surgeon gloves, syringe, wheel chair, Blood presure machine, stethescope and many more. [read more]
We provide all kinds of ayuverdic medicines and treatment facilities also. [read more]
Chirayu National Hospital, located in Basundhara, Kathmandu, http://www. chirayunationalhospital. com/. [read more]
Let's contribute for Healthy Nepal by promoting Health Education!. [read more]
Providing life saving medical services, complete with a highly competent, qualified and 'field-experienced' medical team on the go. . [read more]
Better health for better life is a project implemented with a hope to that some day nepal gets rid of common diseases and people can live their life. . [read more]
Together we can change the face of medicine. . . . [read more]