We are a trading company offering quality products at competitive prices and committed in providing efficient customer service to all our clients. . [read more]
This is the one and only Official page of Lovely Professional university for Regional Office in Nepal. Send your admission queries. . [read more]
महान्यायाधिवक्ताको कार्यालय - काम कर्तव्य र अधिकार http://202. 45. 147. 176/oag-post/17. [read more]
Echo premium water. For deliver & stock in Kathmandu contact 9801059904. [read more]
Our core services includes Financial Planning,Tax planning, Real Estate planning,Bank Loan Liasioning, Business Proposals, Income Tax Filings,Wealth management, FDI Planning, VAT Return,Accounting.. [read more]
Yantra is a platform dedicated to encouraging engineers, IT professionals and students start their Entrepreneurial Journey by creating Robotics Industry. [read more]
Global Cooperative is a small Group. which started from few member and to saving monthly little money. We support and Financial cooperate with in group. [read more]
To create the leaders of tomorrow through outdoor adventure. . [read more]
Your Trip Planner in the Himalayas offers trekking Nepal, multi-day tour packages, and many others the Himalayas vacation packages as your choice. . [read more]
Cultural Treks & Expedition (Everest Journeys) - http://www. everestjourneys. com is an website domain name of Cultural Treks and Expedition Pvt. Ltd. [read more]
Melina Rai is a Most Beautiful & Famous Female Singer In Nepali Music Industry she Have millions of Fans. . [read more]
a complete modern bathroom and kitchen solution. [read more]
NSSED is a non profit organization established in 19th March 2014. With an aim of making equal development on our country. https://nssed. wordpress. com/. [read more]
Meyvn Educational Services provides IELTS/ PTE/ OET preparation classes and hassle free visa documentation for Australia, UK, USA and New Zealand. . [read more]
KIA Service Center, Kathmandu, located at Kathmandu. [read more]
we provide following services garden designing, plants sales, garden maintenance etc. [read more]
We as kathmandu Hostel services provide hostel facilities for both male and female to all over kathmandu We have associated hostel partner. [read more]
Travel, Tour and Trekking company dedicated to unfold nature and culture. The company is established by people with young, innovative and dynamic brain. [read more]
We check your eyes leveraging latest computerized Japanese Technology and recommend better solution for your eye sight. . [read more]
Nepal Eye Foundation (NEF) is a Non-profitable Organization established in 2013 B. S. From past years, many Eye Health Care Campaigns arebeing successfully provided at different parts of Nepal. [read more]
Enthusiastic Youth Empowering Society. [read more]
June Immigration Services Inc. is a Canada based immigration firm representing all types of visa to immigrate to Canada. We provide the accurate advice,. [read more]
The welfare of Bangladeshi people, who are staying and working here in Nepal. . [read more]
Khyaspaal Production. . [read more]
Online Brothers - Nepal is a E-Commerce related Facebook Page. . [read more]
斯瓦扬布纳特(尼瓦尔语:स्वयंभू;天城文स्वयम्भूनाथ,Swayambhunath)位于尼泊尔加德满都以西的加德满都谷地,是一座佛教寺庙,也是尼泊爾國家象徵。简介该寺庙又俗称“猴廟”(Monkey Temple),因为猕猴生活在廟的西北。藏语称该寺庙为“帕巴香更”(),意思是“庄严树林”,据说是因山上有不少珍贵树种而得名;但也有说法认为,“香更”()是尼瓦尔语Singgu(意为“自体本源”)的变体。该寺庙不单纯是尼瓦尔佛教徒參拜,也有藏传佛教徒參访,是尼泊尔仅次于布达纳特的佛教道场。根据《斯瓦揚布往世書》(Swayambhu Purana)的说法,加德满都谷地以前是一个湖泊。有一朵蓮花在此生长,加德满都谷地被称作“斯瓦揚布”(Swayambhu),即自体本源,该寺庙之名由此而来。这座寺庙的创建年代有两种说法。第一种说法根据《Gopālarājavaṃśāvalī》记载,该寺庙是由李查维王朝国王馬纳德瓦(Mānadeva)的曾祖父创建,时间大约在5世纪。该说法似乎已被证实,因为该寺庙的一块损坏的石雕显示,馬纳德瓦在640年下令兴建。另一种说法是阿育王到尼泊尔时已存在,后来被毁。尽管这座寺庙是佛教寺庙,但此处也受到印度教徒尊敬。无数信仰印度教的君主曾经向该寺庙表示敬意,包括加德满都的国王普拉塔普·馬拉,他曾在17世纪建设了该寺庙东侧阶梯。该寺庙的佛塔十分有名,2010年5月又全部翻修一新,这是自1921年大修之后的又一次大修,也是自建成以后的第15次大修。佛塔的圆顶用20千克黄金重新镀金。2010年的此次大修是由美国加利福尼亚西藏宁玛冥想中心(Tibetan Nyingma Meditation Center of California)提供资金,从2008年6月动工的。斯瓦扬布纳特的佛塔高十三層,象征修行的十三層境界,眼睛象征佛眼无边,鼻是尼泊尔数字一,象征万物归一。. [read more]
Sakaratmak Media is an One Stop Media Solution for all the media works. We are Media with positive vibes in every field with our Motto "THINK POSITIVE". [read more]
Paluwa Kids Galaxy. [read more]
We would like to introduce NEPAL CANCER FOUNDATION (NCF) an NGO. Which is working for Cancer Care and other Health related problems. . [read more]
We provide all kinds of Tents, sayar, chair, stage, Pipe, Pandal , sleeping mattresses blankets, crockeries on RENT At very reasonable price Also we provide services like Catering ,cooks.. [read more]
EcoHimal Nepal is a national non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 2009 with the goal of achieving sustainable development through community empower. [read more]
A non profit organisation dedicated and committed to work for the protection, rights and services for elderly. . [read more]
A non profit making social organization devoted to make the social justic to the people and for those who are physically disable. . . [read more]
Clean Nepal (CN) registered in B. S. 2063 as an NGO in Kathmandu district. . [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook page of Treesoftware Pvt Ltd. Contact us for CC Tv service, Computer Printer Repair Service, and for accounting Software. [read more]
If you are planning to purchase any electronics items may it be refrigerators, washing machines,CRT TV, LCD TV, LED TV, irons, lights, vacuum cleaners, etc etc Electronics Pvt. [read more]