What is “ Family Farming “ and Why “Family Farming “after Cronna ? -
1. Family farms occupy around 70-80% of farmland worldwide.
2. Women hold only 15%.
3. More than 90% of farms are run by an individual or a family who rely primarily on family labor.
# Family farmers are the agents of change we need to achieve Zero Hunger #
# Concept of Family Farming -
Family Farming (including all family-based agricultural activities) is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production that is managed and operated by a family, and is predominantly reliant on the family labour of both women and men. The family and the farm are linked, co-evolve and combine economic, environmental, social and cultural functions.
"With the launch of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028), FAO and IFAD reiterate our determination and commitment to support concerted actions to fulfill the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to step up interventions for a healthy, resilient and sustainable food system."
Let us put family farming at the centre to lead this transformation for this decade and beyond.
"Family Farming " लाइ २ categories मा बाडन सकिन्छ ,
1. Rural Family Farming
2. Urban Smart Soilless Family Farming
# Urban Smart Soilless Family Farming केा लागि Aquaponics , Biofloc, Hydroponics नभइ नहुने प्रविधि हेा,गमला ,अनि माटेा ,अनि थेापा सिचाइ,ग्रेा गमला वा ब्यागमा अल्झीएर possible छैन Urban Soilless Family Farming , Urban Soilless Family Farming केा लागि Aquaponics , Hydroponics , Biofloc model अनि प्रविधी अपरिहार्य छ।
माछा सहीतकेा Aquaponics , Hydroponics ,Biofloc नेपालमै !
कुनै पनि Nutrition or Chemicals or Pesticides or Probiotic हाल्नु पर्दैन सही Model केा Aquaponics ,Hydroponics ,Biofloc , अनि सही Model केा Aquaponics 100 % Organic हेा । कैाशी खेती /Roof Top Urban Family Farming केा लागि the best method - IABS = Integrated Aquaponics & Biofloc System .
हेर्नुहेास नेपालकै best Model & example of Family Farm House Hydroponics,Aquaponics & BioFloc as well as Urban & Family Farming Plus example of Urban Soilless & Vertical Family Farm . येा पेा हेा त सही तरीकाकेा कैाशी खेती/ RoofTop , येा पेा हेा त सफल तरीकाकेा Hydroponics ,Aquaponics ,BioFloc Fish Farming , अनि येा पेा हेा त best example of Urban Soilles & Vertical Farmily Farming
- Career Scope in IABS & Family Farming - https://www.facebook.com/notes/academy-of-iabs-agripreneurshipnepal/iabs-integrated-aquaponics-biofloc-system-introduction-scope/241882397243948/
ARE YOU SMART ? IF YES ! Please go to this Link for more -
What is IABS ? why IABS ?
This is great example of Urban Commercial Aquaponics-
If you love reading the story this story is for You - The Real Story of a Youth Agriprenuers -
Story 1 -
Story -2
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