Vision :
Develop TDF as a sustainable financing
intermediary institution - a leading Urban
Infrastructure Development Bank of Nepal.
The major objectives of TDF are to, I. provide financial support to municipalities to
implement social and income-generating
II. provide financial support to municipalities to
implement social and income-generating
projects and
III. strengthen the technical, managerial and
financial capabilities of municipalities in the
formulation, implementation and evaluation
of urban development plans and programs.
Objective of TDF:
Town Development Fund (TDF) aims to alleviate
economic and social poverty in urban sectors through
long term financing in social infrastructure and
revenue generating projects. It is the only financial
autonomous intermediary in Nepal with agreed
policy, rules and regulations that finances to urban
infrastructure projects for long term.
Town Development
Fund Establishment:
Town Development Fund (TDF) was established
as TDF Board, notably as a financial intermediary
for providing funds to municipalities, by
Formation Order 1988 under Development
Board Act 1956. In 1997, TDF was made
autonomous under a new Act, called TDF Act
Over the last more than two decades, TDF has
financed wide range of urban infrastructure
projects in municipalities with the support of the
Government of Nepal (GoN), German Technical
and Financial Cooperation (GTZ/KfW), World
Bank (IDA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Recently it has created a open access fund where
all municipalities can have access to fund on
competitive basis.
Cliental group:
TDF supports Municipalities, Water Users and
Sanitation Committees of STWSSSP, Hospitals
and Health Centers through long term financing
on social infrastructure and income generating
Projects in the form of Loan, soft loan and grant
within strict financial rule and regulations.
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