Sørnes Sokn is a church, located at Mortensarmen, 4052 Røyneberg. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 75 53 70 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Varden Kfuk-Kfum is a church, located at Egersundsgata, 4015 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 91 71 40 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rossabø Kirke is a church, located at 5529 Haugesund. [read more]
Baptistkirken Stavanger is a church, located at Bergelandsgata 24, 4013 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 89 46 42 for more detailed information. [read more]
Elim Normisjon is a church, located at Gjesdalveien 10, 4306 Sandnes. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 66 33 08 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ferkingstad Kirke is a church, located at Sjerpevegen, 4274 Stol. [read more]
Johannes Kirke is a church, located at Høgsfjordgata, 4014 Stavanger. [read more]
Metodistkirken Egersund is a church, located at Peder Clausens Gate 29, 4370 Egersund. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 49 12 94 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kristen Tjeneste Menigheten is a church, located at Lagerveien 21, 4033 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 81 69 20 for more detailed information. [read more]
Metodistkirken Stavanger is a church, located at Vaisenhusgata 7, 4012 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 89 66 20 for more detailed information. [read more]
Menigheten Karisma Senter is a church, located at Adjunkt Hauglands Gate 52, 4022 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 53 65 05 for more detailed information. [read more]
Baptistkirken Sandnes is a church, located at Sletteveien 4, 4328 Sandnes. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 62 10 81 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ålgård Kyrkje is a church, located at Kyrkjeveien, 4330 Ålgård. [read more]
Pinsemenigheten Zion is a church, located at Kirkebakken 34, 4012 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 89 33 25 for more detailed information. [read more]
Tabernaklet Pinsemenigheten is a church, located at Skåregata 131, 5527 Haugesund. They can be contacted via phone at +47 52 72 43 80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Askje Kyrkje is a church, located at Kyrkjeveien, 4156 Mosterøy. [read more]
Adventkirken is a church, located at Timoteiveien 13, 4017 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 58 96 66 for more detailed information. [read more]
Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband Haugesund is a church, located at Spannavegen 1, 5521 Haugesund. They can be contacted via phone at +47 52 71 19 99 for more detailed information. [read more]
Den Lutherske Bekjennelseskirken is a church, located at Dusavikveien 83, 4007 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 53 20 33 for more detailed information. [read more]
Misjonskirken Nordre Misjonsmenighet is a church, located at Uradalsvegen 3, 5516 Haugesund. They can be contacted via phone at +47 52 73 53 28 for more detailed information. [read more]
Misjonskirken Haugesund Misjonsmenighet is a church, located at Kirkegata 129, 5527 Haugesund. They can be contacted via phone at +47 52 72 27 31 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nedstrand Kyrkje is a church, located at Vassendvikvegen, 5560 Nedstrand. [read more]
Lysebotn Kyrkje is a church, located at Kapellvegen, 4127 Lysebotn. [read more]
Hausken Kyrkje is a church, located at Hellandsveien, 4150 Rennesøy. [read more]
Frue Kirke is a church, located at Storhaugveien, 4014 Stavanger. [read more]
Forsand Kyrkje is a church, located at Kyrkjevegen, 4110 Forsand. [read more]
Gann Kirke is a church, located at Juvelveien, 4318 Sandnes. [read more]
Nærbø gamle Kirke is a church, located at Kviavegen, 4365 Nærbø. [read more]
Jelsa Kirke is a church, located at Sandane, 4234 Jelsa. [read more]
Tasta Kirke is a church, located at Fagerstølveien, 4027 Stavanger. [read more]
Frikirke Den Evangelisk Lutherske is a church, located at Ordfører Askelands Gate 4, 4020 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +47 51 88 39 10 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sankt Olav's Kirke-Avaldsnes is a church, located at Karmøyvegen, 4260 Torvastad. [read more]
Adventistsamfunnet Stavanger is a church, located at Timoteiveien 13, 4017 Stavanger. They can be contacted via phone at +(47)-51671440 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bokn Kyrkje is a church, located at Kyrkjebakken, 5561 Bokn. [read more]
Tysvær Kyrkje is a church, located at Lønningsvegen, 5565 Tysværvåg. [read more]
Hjelmeland Kyrkje is a church, located at 4130 Hjelmeland. [read more]