We offer inspections, supervision, commissioning and spare parts for HVAC-R projects all over the world. Our company specialises in automation, software programming , electrical components.. [read more]
ANDES CONSULTING Nestor Enrique Hidalgo Claros is a company, located at Notodden, Telemark. [read more]
Project / Program Management (Aircraft Modifications, Upgrades, Aircraft Transfers etc). Communication at all organisational levels and across multiple cultures. [read more]
Arcus is a leading Nordic branded consumer goods company with a range of iconic Arcus spirits brands and a broad wine portfolio. Arcus is the world's largest producer of aquavit. [read more]
Afectium AS is a company, located at Tønsberg, Vestfold. They can be contacted via phone at +47 404 62 141 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Experienced developer specialized in Android and app development, with almost 10 years of experience in consulting. . [read more]
Avisomo is creating the world's most flexible vertical farming system - built on established food industry standards. Avisomo's unrivaled trolley farming concept greatly reduces the CapEx and.. [read more]
Apropos provides services and products for effective skills and competence development, and assessment, through the use of ICT. Apropos provides - Interactive learning programs- Learning.. [read more]
AASLY MARINE Gunnar Åsly is a company, located at Vest-Agder 4432. [read more]
Aksess Innkjop develops a cloud-based platform that offers purchase management solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. . [read more]
Adresseavisen er Norges eldste nåværende avis og utkom første gang 3. juli 1767. Adresseavisen er det dominerende nyhets- og annonseorgan i Midt-Norge. [read more]
Atec Voss AS is a company, located at Hordaland 5713. [read more]
Android is programmed to give your organization a future-oriented solution, regardless of supplier related affiliations or technology preferences. Android is not biased with regard to.. [read more]
Adapto IP is a company, located at Norway. [read more]
Anker Sikkerhet AS tilbyr følgende tjenester:- Godkjent RSO og tilbyr alle type tjenester innenfor ISPS til havner og havneanlegg i Norge. - Seminal/trening/planverk innen PLIVO. [read more]
Audunbakkenfestivalen ble stiftet som forening i 2004, året etter at første festival ble arrangert i 2003. Audunbakken er en idealistisk musikk- og kunstfestival som blir arrangert på Disenå.. [read more]
Vi produserer film. Alt fra Lineær-TV, dokumentarer, bedriftsfilm og innholdsmarkedsføring. Vår fast stab har en bred produksjonsbakgrunn og en rik kompetanse og kunnskap om.. [read more]
Aksena er et norsk selskap. Vi utvikler mennesker som utvikler virksomheter. Vi har gjort dette siden 2002. Basert på eksisterende ledelsesteorier og guidet av Jim Collins' forskning på.. [read more]
March 6th The Bayer Group completed the voluntary takeover offer for Norwegian pharmaceutical company Algeta ASA, Oslo. As a result, Bayer now holds 98. [read more]
AIM Norway supplies maintenance, repair- and modification services for aircraft, helicopters, components and field equipment to the Norwegian Armed Forces and other customers. [read more]
Anchor Contracting AS is a company, located at Oslo. [read more]
Akimi Asker er en tverrfaglig og kveldsåpen klinikk som holder til i romslige lokaler i Askerhallen ishall. Våre terapeuter er blant annet en del av det medisinske støtteapparatet til Frisk.. [read more]
Since its establishment in 1962 Aircontact has acquired vast and unique experience in providing air transport, from thesmallest propeller aircraft for just a few individuals to large Boeing 747.. [read more]
ABB AG MANNHEIM is a company, located at Oslo. [read more]
AC Regnskap DA er et regnskapsbyrå med kontorer i Bachetomta industripark på Lierstranda. Vi er i dag 4 medarbeidere som jobber med regnskap og rådgivning for små og mellomstore bedrifter. [read more]
ACAMS supplies advanced solutions for monitoring, control and display of airport tower systems. Integrated and cost-effective solutions is based on innovation and offer significant improvements.. [read more]
Albania Eiendom AS, er et Norsk boligformidlingsfirma, med hovedfokus på salg av boliger i Albania og Adriaterhavet. Vi bidrar med informasjon, støtte, råd og bistår gjennom hele kjøpsprosessen. [read more]
ALFA Network Nordic ASwww. alfanetwork. no Visit the manufacturer ALFA Network Inc. www. alfa. com. twWorldWide network product - Quality - range - performance - coverageThe Nordic regionIt's.. [read more]
Akva Future AS har kontorer i Brønnøysund sentrum og tilbyr laks fra lukkede merder. Produksjonen av laks foregår i lukkede merder som er utviklet av AkvaDesign AS. [read more]
We take the best of your data and let it speak!By marrying advanced analytics to domain expertise, we enable you to unlock the optimal route to applying digitalization and data science. [read more]
Leverer alt innen skilt og reklameprodukter, f. eks. - Alt av skilter –store utendørsskilter / bokstaver og innendørs skilting - Folie – bildekor, vindusdekor osv. [read more]
Agendec is a Software developing company producing standard It solutions for use in different business sectors. Our philosophy is to provide software solutions that improve efficiency and.. [read more]
Ayond designs, manufactures, and sells energy modules - batteries, fast chargers and smart switch boards. The company integrates proven components from leading manufacturers in robust designs.. [read more]
Ajourit AS is a company, located at 18 Jåttåvågveien, Rogaland 4020. [read more]
Automotive photographer / journalist. [read more]
AGC er et konsulentfirma med hovedvekt på rådgiving i skjæringspunktet mellom offentlig og privat sektor, politisk analyse og eiendomsutvikling i enkelte segment. [read more]