crematorium Schollevaar is a cemetery, located at Burgemeester Schalijlaan 2, 2908 LS Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment
Location :
Burgemeester Schalijlaan 2, 2908 LS Capelle aan den IJssel
Added by Jopie, at 08 November 2016
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2 Reviews
19 February 2017
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15 November 2016
Het meubilair in de wachtruimte en aula is momenteel zeer onvriendelijk voor ouderen en mensen die voorkeur hebben voor traditionele stoelen.
De banken zijn ervaren als zeer ongemakkelijk.
Busan, South Korea’s bustling second-largest city, is a vibrant and diverse destination offering a wide range of activities that cater to every type of traveler.
Seoul is a city of contrasts—where history and modernity coexist in perfect harmony. Whether you're exploring the vibrant streets of Gangnam, delving into the past at ancient palaces, or experiencing the cutting-edge technology of the city, there’s something for everyone.
South Korea is a dynamic and technologically advanced country known for its rich cultural heritage, cutting-edge innovation, and breathtaking landscapes.