Name:MaelstedeRef Rce:45653Heritage:2Historic:Archaeological SiteA place in which evidence of past activity is preserved. Description:Terrein Waarin Overblijfselen Van Het Kasteel Maelstede. [read more]
Name:Apotheek DauwendaeleBrand:BenuSource:BAG-viewerAmenity:PharmacyDelivery:YesAddr City:MiddelburgDispensing:YesAddr Street:RoozenburglaanContact Fax:+31 118 643691Source.. [read more]
Name:Huisartsenpost Zeeland, Locatie WalcherenAmenity:DoctorsComment:Contact:phone:foreigner Because Phones Based Outside The Netherlands Can Not Dial 0900-*.. [read more]
Name:Gerard Van ChristellesRef Rce:22222Heritage:2Historic:MemorialSmall memorials, usually remembering special persons, people who lost their lives in the wars, past events or missing places. [read more]
Name:Middelplaat Haven (RTM)Railway:Halt. [read more]
Name:Bedrijfsbrandweer EastmanAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Bedrijfsbrandweer ArkemaAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Bedrijfsbrandweer VopakAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Bedrijfsbrandweer Zeeland RefineryAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Brandweer DreischorAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Slot SmallegangeRuins:YesRef Rce:45702Heritage:2Historic:Archaeological SiteA place in which evidence of past activity is preserved. Description:Terrein Waarin Overblijfselen Van Het.. [read more]
Name:Brandweer IJzendijkeAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Brandweer OostburgAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Brandweer CadzandAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Brandweer KloosterzandeAmenity:Fire StationWebsite:Http://www. brandweerkloosterzande. nl/. [read more]
Name:Hotel Goes-CentrumImage:Https://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Goes Grote Kade 10. jpgRef Rce:16291Tourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides.. [read more]
Name:Berg Van TrojePeak:7. 1Source:Wikipedia, Actueel Hoogtebestand NederlandRef Rce:45962Heritage:2Historic:Archaeological SiteA place in which evidence of past activity is preserved. [read more]
Name:Lilipaly BankAmenity:BenchBackrest:Yes. [read more]
Name:West Repart/Dolfijn (RTM)Railway:Halt. [read more]
Name:Wind In Mijn TenenTourism:ArtworkA public piece of art. Start Date:2009Artist Name:Dedden & KeizerArtwork Type:Sculpture. [read more]
Name:PZEM LoodsFixme:Welk Van De 2 Loodsen Is Welke?Ref Rce:496542Heritage:2Historic:WarehouseHeritage Operator:Rce. [read more]
Name:PTT LoodsFixme:Welk Van De 2 Loodsen Is Welke?Ref Rce:496536Heritage:2Historic:WarehouseHeritage Operator:Rce. [read more]
Image:Https://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Tuinkoepel - Zierikzee - 20223207 - RCE. jpgRef Rce:40848Heritage:2Historic:PavilionHeritage Operator:Rce. [read more]
Historic:City GateA city gate within a city wall. [read more]
Ref Rce:515749Heritage:2Historic:SundialHeritage Operator:Rce. [read more]
Name:Wandelnetwerk Jacoba Van BeierenpadTourism:InformationInformation for tourists and visitors, including information offices. [read more]
Bus:YesName:Kruiningen, SlagveldstraatPublic Transport:Stop PositionThe position on the street or rails where a public transport vehicle stops. . [read more]
Car:No ?Name:, Fiets CaféAmenity:Charging StationBicycle:YesFietscafe:Yes. [read more]
Name:Fiets CaféAmenity:Charging StationBicycle:YesMotorcar:NoFietscafe:Yes. [read more]
Name:De KiensteeTourism:Guest HouseAccommodation smaller than a hotel and typically owner-operated, such as bed&breakfasts etc. . [read more]
Name:Overzichts-bord WknpntenHiking:YesTourism:InformationInformation for tourists and visitors, including information officesInformation:Map. [read more]
Name:Borrel SopShop:Alcohol. [read more]
Name:R+RShop:Toys. [read more]
Name:BakendorpPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. Wikidata:Q804298Wikipedia:Nl:BakendorpPostal Code:4435. [read more]
Name:B & B OostmolenhoeveTourism:Guest HouseAccommodation smaller than a hotel and typically owner-operated, such as bed&breakfasts etc. . [read more]
Name:Sint AnnapolderPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or villageWikipedia:Nl:Sint.. [read more]