
Women for Women After God's Heart is a Ministry afters God's Heart, call to train and equip women to Arise in their place of purpose and mandate from God.

Tags : #ChurchOfGod, #ChristianChurch, #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
DOVENETELSTRAAT 25, Rotterdam, 3053DJ Rotterdam


Women for women after God's heart founder is called to empower,challenge and inspire women to discover their true identity in Christ and take their place in the kingdom of God

Women for women after God's heart, is all about souls. Reaching souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Empowering lives, especially that of women and their children. Bringing hope to those that have lost hope. Healing to the sick, restoration to the broken and changing lives with the word of God and by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Women for women after God's heart is a group of women who are desperate after the heart of God and his presence. Our desire is to serve The Lord to the best of our ability and make disciples for Jesus Christ. Psalm 42:1

If we ever needed to pray and seek the face of the lord (2 Chronicles 7:14). the time is now. For we have an enemy who is going around like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. (1 peter 5:8)

More than ever we need the prayers and support of each other. For the bible says one can chase a thousand but two can chase ten thousand.

I need you and you need me. Together we can reach the world for our Lord Jesus Christ. Bringing Glory to our heavenly father. matthew 28:19-20

Come join us and let us make the world a better place as we run after the father's heart together.