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The One Minutes is an art gallery, located at Tweede Leeghwaterstraat, 1018RA Amsterdam, Netherlands. Visit their website www.theoneminutes.org for more detailed information.

The One Minutes is a global network devoted to moving image. Submit your videos and participate in the project!

Tags : #VisualArts

Location :
Tweede Leeghwaterstraat, 1018RA Amsterdam
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Since 1998, The One Minutes has produced and distributed more than 17,000 video works by artists from more than 120 countries.
Every month, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60-second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image. Museums and cultural organisations around the world subscribe to the series.

We encourage you to submit your videos and participate in the project!


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