Really significant building! Novel design and you could even enjoy your food inside. There are sufficient spaces for everyone to study or discuss. The toilets locates inside the cafe.
A very nice place to study, especially dynamics, which you experience in practice every time somebody runs down the stairs in the right pace. During exam times it can become a little too busy, but compared to e.g. Leiden this is a really nice and spacious library.
nice place to work and study. also nice to post in your instagram
They reduced study facilities by somewhat 80% for some event without properly communicating or offering an alternative. Half of the desktops are gone, even in a normal situation the amount of available desktops is very limited. Forced to study at home now staring at a small laptop screen. Thnx for the lack of service TU Delft!
A beautiful building and great for studying. Does get very full during exam times though.
Small for the services it offers. The stairs are really bad. It looks nice though.
This is not really a nice library. Since coming to study at TU Delft I have barely used it except for printing documents.
This library is badly lit and there are too many cross-shadows at once over your study work, especially (but not only) at night.
It is a tiny library, considering the number of students that use it. It is also incredibly crowded most of the time and the atmosphere of stressed (and presumably strained) students is a rather unpleasant one.