Türk yemeklerini özledigim icin et döner ve kusbasili pide siparisi verdim. 1.5 saat sonra siparis geldi. Pilav doner salata karisik bi pakete doldurulmus . Kusbasili pide de ise et diye hicbisey yoktu. Yemeden attik. Türk ve bende bi asci olarak cok üzüldüm.
Kut pizza's , ze waren 2 uur te laat gekomen
I ordered a kapsalon and a large pizza the estimated time of delivery was 30 to 60 minutes it took way longer. I called them after an hour and they told me it would be there in 20 minutes it was not. When the food finally arrived the pizza was cold and there was no barely any cucumber and tomato on the kapsalon.
Sometimes they are very slow to serve. In the restaurant every evening is just a chaos which order, who prepared, who gonna deliver But they are making best Etli Ekmek in The Hague.