
Iscipe is build around a relatively small but highly experienced team of adroit entrepreneurs. We have built our knowledge through many years in the field of international relations and are now using this experience and network to offer you our services.To evaluate all forces in a complex and often non-transparent field of operations, that's where we feel most at home. And to stay there, we closely follow most cultural, economical, financial, digital security and political developments.In carrying out its tasks, Iscipe makes good use of her international specialists, whenever specific economical, political, cyber security or cultural knowledge is needed.This network is what we value the most! Therefore we intensely maintain our contacts, not only by working together closely but also by organizing special events to share inspiration, as well as actively develop our common and individual knowledge.

Tags : #InternationalTradeDevelopment, #InternationalTrade&Development

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290 Weena, Rotterdam, South Holland 3012 NJ
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