Ennour Mosque is a mosque, located at Tolhuislaan 22, 3862 WL Nijkerk. [read more]
Turkse Moskee Harderwijk is a mosque, located at Anne Franklaan 5, 3842 GV Harderwijk. [read more]
Moskee As Soenna is a mosque, located at Tenderlaan, 7331 AJ Apeldoorn. [read more]
Gebedscentra is a mosque, located at Woestijnweg, 8172 CT Vaassen. [read more]
Turkiyem Camii Moskee is a mosque, located at Maaslaan 7, 6826 AD Arnhem. They can be contacted via phone at +31 26 443 0947 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ahmet Yesevi Moskee is a mosque, located at Koornmarkt 20, 4001 KW Tiel. [read more]
Mehmet Akif Moskee is a mosque, located at Rhijnvis Feithlaan, 3842 Harderwijk. [read more]
Turkse Islamitsche Moskee Silimiye is a mosque, located at Velperweg, 6824 BH Arnhem. [read more]
Turkse Moskee Fatih is a mosque, located at Boulevard Heuvelink, 6828 KV Arnhem. [read more]
Marokkaanse Moskee Alfath is a mosque, located at Van Oldenbarneveldtstraat, 6828 Arnhem. [read more]
Moskee Nijmegen is a mosque, located at Vondelstraat, 6512 BB Nijmegen. [read more]
Islamitische Gemeente Zutphen is a mosque, located at David Evekinkstraat, 7201 Zutphen. [read more]
Rasûlullah -sallâllâhu aleyhi ve sellem- şöyle buyurur: “Allah Teâlâ, gençliğini Allâh’a itaat yolunda geçiren genci sever. ” (Süyûtî, el-Câmiu’s-Sağîr, I, 65/1867). [read more]
I Love Alah I Love Mohamed I Love Islam Ik hou van Alah Ik hou van Mohamed Ik hou van Islam Allah is one. . Allah has no peer. . Allah has no child Allah is een. [read more]
Neva'nın kelime manası: hifzetmek, nakletmek, sohbet etmek, korumaktır. Aynı zamanda ahenk, ses, name anlamına gelir. Bizim de amacımız, öğrenerek hifzetmek, öğrendiklerimizi.. [read more]
SA. gencler, facebook sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada yapacagımız faaliyetleri paylaşacağız. Bizleri instagramda'da takip etmeyi unutmayın sakın!. [read more]
HDV Ede Ulu Camiinin resmi Facebook sayfasıdır. [read more]
Facebook sayfamizda güzel vakit geçirirsiniz, Camiimiz ile ilgili gelişmeleri buradan takip edebilirsiniz. . [read more]
Yönetim Kurulumuz: Harun Kunt Bülent Yildirim Muhammet Öncü Mustafa Aliskan Aziz Seker Adem Demirel Ferdi Özkan. [read more]
HDV Nijmegen Gençlik Kolu staat voor jongerencommissie Islamitische stichting Nederland. HDV = Hollanda Diyanet Vakfı (Islamitische Stichting Nederland) Nijmegen Gençlik Kolu =.. [read more]
Ghulzar-e-Madina Koningin Wilhelminastraat 95 8019 AL Zwolle Telefoon: 038-4216149 / 06-41838916 E-mail: moskeeghulzaremadina@gmail. com. [read more]
Stichting Moskee Arrahman Apeldoorn is in 2015 opgericht in het Oosten van het land. . [read more]
Dit is de officiële Facebook-pagina van Moskee Al Fath in Arnhem. . [read more]
Website : www. mescidia. com Facebook : Mescidia. Barneveld Tel : 0342 - 41 45 88. [read more]
Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatu Allah, (Vrede zij met u) Welkom op de Facebook pagina van Moskee Takwa te Culemborg. Meer weten over achtergronden & activiteiten van de islamitische gemeenschap.. [read more]
Hollanda Diyanet Vakfı Apeldoorn Eyüp Sultan Camii Islamitische Stichting Nederland Eyüp Sultan Moskee Apeldoorn. [read more]
Millî Görüş Ayasofya Eğitim Merkezi Arnhem Kur'an ve dini bilgiler kursu. [read more]
Podiumgesprek over Gastvrijheid in moskee Al-Moslimin 16 februari
Over de idealen, dromen en integratie van vluchtelingen in Nijmegen
Gastvrijheid is een deugd die wij.. [read more]
HDV Zutphen Barbaros Cami Gençlik Kolu Islamitische Stichting Nederland Zutphen Barbaros Moskee Jongerencommissie. [read more]
Islamitische Stichting Nederland, Anadolu Doesburg is a mosque, located at Oranjesingel 20, 6981 GZ Doesburg. They can be contacted via phone at +31 313 473 132 for more detailed information. [read more]
بارك الله فيكم وفى القائمين على شؤن المسجد ونفع بكم وحفظكم من كل مكروه وسوء. [read more]
Stichting Islamitische Moskee is a mosque, located at Klimopstraat 15, 6543 SJ Nijmegen. [read more]
مسجد أيوب سلطان يقع بالقرب من محطة القطار في نايميخن هولندا ويعرف بالجامع التركي. . [read more]
Barbaros Moskee Zutphen is a mosque, located at David Evekinkstraat 6, 7201 BT Zutphen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 575 514 390 for more detailed information. [read more]
Convinient place to pray whenever I'm traveling to Arnhem. [read more]
Selimiye Moskee Dieren is a mosque, located at Enkweg 30A, 6951 BV Dieren. They can be contacted via phone at +31 313 422 564 for more detailed information. [read more]