Name:Oud ReemsterzandPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:KreelPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Mosselsche StaartPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Mosselsche LegerveldPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Mosselsche DennenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:BiezenpolPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Mosselsche BergenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Otterlose Buurtbos ZuidNote:Voorheen Apart NSW-landgoed, Maakt Nu Deel Uit Van NM-terrein Planken WambuisPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. [read more]
Name:EschoterbosPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Het LooveldPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:'s-GravenwaardPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Roekelse EnkPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:RoekelPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Name:WolfsbergenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:OortslagenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Lathumsche HoekPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Groessche WeidePlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Jonge HouwPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Oude HoevenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:De Roode PallenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:HertenbergPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:VliegerswaardPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:KandiaPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source Name:BRTSource Name:Local Knowledge. [read more]
Name:Drie Dorpen PolderPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Kleine BrandhouwPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Ypersche HoevenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:SlangenheggenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:VorkinkPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:ReeënboschPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:Nieuwe BroekenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Van Raay's HouwPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:IJsseldijkerwaardPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:Eder BuurtPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:De LooyenPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:IJsseloordsche PolderPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. Source:BRT. [read more]
Name:ZandhegPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]