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Future Flavour. Visit their website www.grenswerk.nl for more detailed information.

Future Flavour is an event organisation with a big love for Drum & Bass

Tags : #LiveMusicVenue

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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Future Flavour is an event organisation with a big love for Drum & Bass

Future Flavour is a planet in another galaxy, far far away from here.
Every other ‘event’ is much more a different area of the Future Flavour planet.
Future Flavour puts a lot of attention into the decoration and complimentary ‘extras’.
You have already missed a long list of dj’s.
But don't be sad, every edition is a surprise.
Expect vibrant colors, blacklight and fluorescent body paint.

For all Drum & Bass Events organised by Future Flavour:

Interview (Dutch):

(No paint is thrown trough the venue or smashed in your face.)

Tags - Drum and bass , Drum & Bass , drumandbass , drumandbass.nl , venlo, poppodium , grenswerk , nederland , the netherlands

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