
I offer mindfulness courses & workshops in Amsterdam, both in Dutch and in English. Standard programs + special programs for HSP & busy people.

Tags : #MeditationCenter

Location :
Granaatstraat 38, 1074HN Amsterdam

15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    26 October 2023

    Are you new to mindfulness? Did you try (mindfulness) meditation in the past and you like to continue? Then join this workshop!

    We'll cover all basics of mindfulness: 1.What is mindfulness 2.We'll do the main mindfulness meditations (bodyscan, walking meditation, eating meditation)... 3.How to start (or continue) your own mindfulness practice.

    So no needs to have any experience!

    It's also a nice opportunity to meet other mindfulness enthusiasts.

    * Tickets Price: 25 euro (17,50 euro Early Bird price if you register before September 10th).

    You can register by sending me an email (francisco@amsterdam-mindfulness.nl). You will then receive the payment details.

    About me I'm a certified mindfulness teacher (MBSR & MBTR). I'm specialised in working with Highly Sensitive Persons. Through my school Amsterdam Mindfulness I offer a wide range of workshops & courses. In my workshops and courses, I like to focus on curiosity. Curiosity gives energy. It's easier to start your mindfulness practise by focussing on something that gives energy, than by telling yourself things you should (like 'I have to meditate every day'). The complete agenda with all events you can find at www.amsterdam-mindfulness.nl.

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2023

    Do you experience at times a challenge with feeling your own boundaries, and making these boundaries clear to other people (like a demanding boss or a partner)?

    Strict boundaries won't protect you however from a demanding and critical inner voice. Our inner voice is a kind of Trojan horse. Regardless of our boundaries with the outside world, our inner voice is always present, it's always staying with us.

    A critical inner voice can be hard to notice at first. It can be so com...

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  • Anynomous
    26 October 2023

    In this workshop we'll look at how mindfulness can help you to deal with & enjoy your High Sensitivity.

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is high maintenance. Having more empathy and care, being more sensitive and thoughtful than an average person comes at a price. The price of good self-care. I offer a mindfulness program specifically adapted to HSP’s, in which you get the tools for good self-care.

    Let’s dive shortly into two real life examples.

    ...Continue reading

  • Anynomous
    26 October 2023

    In this workshop we'll look at how mindfulness can help you to deal with & enjoy your High Sensitivity.

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is high maintenance. Having more empathy and care, being more sensitive and thoughtful than an average person comes at a price. The price of good self-care. I offer a mindfulness program specifically adapted to HSP’s, in which you get the tools for good self-care.

    Let’s dive shortly into two real life examples.

    ...Continue reading

  • Anynomous
    20 October 2023

    In this workshop we'll look at how mindfulness can help you to deal with & enjoy your High Sensitivity.

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is high maintenance. Having more empathy and care, being more sensitive and thoughtful than an average person comes at a price. The price of good self-care. I offer a mindfulness program specifically adapted to HSP’s, in which you get the tools for good self-care.

    Let’s dive shortly into two real life examples.

    ...Continue reading

  • Anynomous
    10 October 2023

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is high maintenance. Having more empathy and care, being more sensitive and thoughtful than an average person comes at a price. The price of good self-care. I offer a mindfulness program specifically adapted to HSP’s, in which you get the tools for good self-care.

    Let’s dive shortly into two real life examples.

    Imagine a conversation at work with your manager. Just when he is about to give you feedback on your work, his gaze freezes for a...

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  • Anynomous
    04 September 2023

    Do you experience at times a challenge with feeling your own boundaries, and making these boundaries clear to other people (like a demanding boss or a partner)?

    Strict boundaries won't protect you however from a demanding and critical inner voice. Our inner voice is a kind of Trojan horse. Regardless of our boundaries with the outside world, our inner voice is always present, it's always staying with us.

    A critical inner voice can be hard to notice at first. It can be so com...

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  • Anynomous
    01 September 2023

    Are you new to mindfulness? Did you try (mindfulness) meditation in the past and you like to continue? Then join this workshop!

    We'll cover all basics of mindfulness: 1.What is mindfulness 2.We'll do the main mindfulness meditations (bodyscan, walking meditation, eating meditation)... 3.How to start (or continue) your own mindfulness practice.

    So no needs to have any experience.

    It will probably also be interesting for you to meet other mindfulness enthusiasts.

    * Tickets Price: 25 euro.

    You can register by sending me an email (francisco@amsterdam-mindfulness.nl). You will then receive the payment details.

    About me I'm a certified mindfulness teacher (MBSR & MBTR). I'm specialised in working with Highly Sensitive Persons. Through my school Amsterdam Mindfulness I offer a wide range of workshops & courses. In my workshops and courses, I like to focus on curiosity. Curiosity gives energy. It's easier to start your mindfulness practise by focussing on something that gives energy, than by telling yourself things you should (like 'I have to meditate every day'). More information about me and the courses & workshops I offer you can find at www.amsterdam-mindfulness.nl.

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  • Anynomous
    23 August 2023

    In this workshop we'll look at how mindfulness can help you to deal with & enjoy your High Sensitivity.

    Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is high maintenance. Having more empathy and care, being more sensitive and thoughtful than an average person comes at a price. The price of good self-care. I offer a mindfulness program specifically adapted to HSP’s, in which you get the tools for good self-care.

    Let’s dive shortly into two real life examples.

    ...Continue reading

  • Anynomous
    12 August 2023

    A beautiful series of workshops coming up for any very sensitive person (whether officially HSP or not) who likes to improve her/his self-care. You're welcome to join!

    1.UNDERSTANDING --> Turn your high sensitivity into a gift you enjoy/mindfulness (June 23rd) - What is HSP? - Am I HSP?... - Understanding the bigger picture - How can mindfulness be of help

    2.PRACTICAL EXERCISES (for dealing with the outside world) --> Grounding & centering for HSP's (June 24th) - Which easy-to-use exercise can I do whenever I feel overwhelmed?

    3.PRACTICAL EXERCISES (for dealing with your inner self) --> Dealing with your critical inner voice: power of self-compassion (July 15th) - How to recognise when I'm fighting/blocking myself? - What to do in these situations?

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  • Anynomous
    09 August 2023

    Do you experience at times a challenge with feeling your own boundaries, and making these boundaries clear to other people (like a demanding boss or a partner)?

    Strict boundaries won't protect you however from a demanding and critical inner voice. Our inner voice is a kind of Trojan horse. Regardless of our boundaries with the outside world, our inner voice is always present, it's always staying with us.

    A critical inner voice can be hard to notice at first. It can be so com...

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  • Anynomous
    05 August 2023

    Hooggevoelig zijn is niet makkelijk. Meer empathie en zorg voelen, meer gevoelig en nadenkend zijn dan een gemiddeld persoon vraagt om goede zelfzorg. Ik bied een mindfulness programma aan dat specifiek afgestemd is op hooggevoelige mensen. Je leert zelf de tools om beter voor jezelf te zorgen.

    Laten we naar twee voorbeelden kijken.

    Stel je een gesprek voor met je manager. Net op het moment dat hij je feedback wil geven op je werk, zie je zijn blik heel even verstarren. Ieman...

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  • Anynomous
    04 August 2023

    Can you connect all 9 dots with 3 straight lines without lifting the pen from the paper? If you do this task you will notice a few things. So perhaps first try doing it before reading on :) ......... One of the things you probably experience is how you deal with challenges. Do you feel determination to solve the task? Do you feel you failed when you didn't succeed? Did you experience frustration while doing the task? Jut a small task like this can already show us how we deal... with stressful situations in ordinary life. This task can also make you aware of some other important thing. The frame within which we're looking for solutions. The solution to the 9-dot riddle is to zoom out, and to look out of the box. In the same way we all use a frame-for-possible-solutions for stressful situations in our ordinary life. Can you remember the most stressful moment you experienced last week? If it was a pretty unique situation then take a situation which happens more often to you. In case you like to have this situation happening less often (or not at all), where do you look for solutions? Do you keep telling yourself you should work harder? Or do you keep telling yourself the stress is caused by someone else, like a bossy manager? I'm not saying there are good and bad solutions. What I mean to say is that most of us use a limited frame to look for solutions. What if you zoom out? What kind of solutions haven't you thought of yet? ............ Are you curious to find out more? In the workshop Turn your high sensitivity into a gift you enjoy/mindfulness we'll dive into these questions. I also love to hear your solutions below in the comments in case you like to share them!

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  • Anynomous
    24 July 2023

    ’How do I to stop absorbing other people’s energy?’ ‘My sensitivity for smells, sounds, locations, scents, … sometimes limits my possibilities to socialize/relax/focus’ ‘What can I do when I feel overstimulated?’ ‘I feel like a stranger, like I don’t belong here…’

    ...Continue reading

  • Anynomous
    23 July 2023

    "I really like the workshops as they are diverse in the execution but same in the content. This allows me to find my way and what feels the best for me in this moment of my life."

    Thanks Damiano for this wonderful feedback! And a nice illustration of openness and curiosity. Two core elements of mindfulness.