University of Applied Sciences iPabo for teacher education is located in Amsterdam. [read more]
OSPA is gefuseerd met Chronos. De nieuwe naam is nu Kairos. Zie https://www. facebook. com/KairosHANPabo/. [read more]
Kairos is de alumnivereniging van HAN Pabo. Studenten en oud-studenten van HAN Pabo te Arnhem en Nijmegen worden lid in het eerste jaar van de opleiding. [read more]
Dit is de Facebookpagina van de opleidingen Accountancy, Finance & Control en Finance Tax and Advice - Fiscaal Recht en Economie. . [read more]
Official MA EPA Ambassador page. [read more]
Stichting Raja-Yoga Nederland biedt gedegen opleidingen en cursussen voor Raja-Yoga, de klassieke koninklijke yoga. . [read more]
Pro actieve Engineers die op project basis technisch projecten uitvoert bij opdrachtgevers uit de Industrie. [read more]
This is RentIt, the company that allows you to rent your study books instead of having to buy them at an expensive rate. . [read more]
The Race Academy - Official partner BMW Motorrad - RaceTrack Training for beginner till advanced levels. . [read more]
Page about Activities of Joris van de Klundert, while optimizing health services & outcomes. [read more]
The Master Speeddate of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences is an event for Bachelor students who have not fully made a decision which master track they would like to follow. [read more]
Official Aviation Academy page of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. http://youtu. be/FydVRbUy6Ds. [read more]
The first international Hackaton event for the leading European Human Movement Sciences related Universities, organized by the University of Groningen / University Medical Center Groningen /.. [read more]
GECCO is your Universalis Sustainability Committee at University College Maastricht. We provide you with green solutions to everyday University Problems!. [read more]
Welcome to the page of Religious Studies & Islamic and Arabic Studies at Utrecht University. . [read more]
Minerva Art Academy Design Department. [read more]
Welkom op de Facebook pagina van het IJsselcollege Wiekslag. . [read more]
This page is to inform admitted students from the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) EUR about events, workshops, activities, trips & info. [read more]
We-Energy is nauw betrokken bij de energietransitie. Door het spelen van de We-Energy Game wordt er bewustzijn en enthousiasme gecreëerd. . [read more]
Een kijkje achter de schermen bij Productiehuis Mediastiek; de crossmediale specialisatie van de Hanzehogeschool - Instituut voor Communicatie, Media & IT. [read more]
Rotterdam Mainport Institute, een samenwerking tussen Hogeschool Rotterdam en STC-Group, biedt vier havengerelateerde HBO-opleidingen aan. . [read more]
Official Facebook page of Rotterdam Business School (RBS). RBS is the international business school of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. . [read more]
Cbs De Blinke is a school, located at Tonnistil 20, 9945 Wagenborgen. [read more]
Individuele studiebegeleiding en coaching. [read more]
De officiële Facebookpagina van Docent Dans/Euritmie. Like ons en blijf op de hoogte. Nu meer weten? Kijk op https://www. hsleiden. nl/docent-dans-euritmie. [read more]
Porta Adriani is de studievereniging voor fiscale studenten van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. . [read more]
AKI - Academy of Art & Design, Enschede, Netherlands. Department: Crossmedia Design. [read more]
In the Community for Learning & Innovation lecturers, students and other employees of the Erasmus University join their forces to innovate education. . [read more]
Facilitating doctoral education to over 500 PhD candidates in a total of 10 fields of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). . [read more]
MK24. [read more]
The official Facebook account for the study of film and audiovisual media within the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media at the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) in.. [read more]
This is the official Facebook page of the Film Studies Division at the University of Amsterdam's Department of Media Studies. . [read more]
The university VU Amsterdam offers the only English bachelor (BSc) in anthropology in the Netherlands! On this page, we show the value of anthropology for society. [read more]
Wij zijn een gereformeerde school waarin de kinderen in het middelpunt staan. Daarbij geloven we dat de liefde voor God en de naaste centraal staat. . [read more]
The Master Media Studies has four tracks: - Media & Business - Media, Culture & Society - Media & Creative Industries - Media & Journalistiek. [read more]