LUCAS Graduate Conference 2017 Landscape: Interpretations, Relations, and Representations (26-27 January 2017). [read more]
萊頓大學(Universiteit Leiden)座落在荷蘭的萊頓市,是目前荷蘭持續運作中最古老的大學。萊頓大學是科英布拉集團、Europaeum以及歐洲研究型大學聯盟等大學聯盟的一員,享有極高的國際聲譽。該校建立於1575年,由八十年戰爭中的荷蘭革命領袖威廉王子所建,迄今仍與奧蘭治王室有密切關係。荷蘭君主威廉明娜女王、朱丽安娜女王、贝娅特丽克丝女王以及威廉-亚历山大國王也曾在萊頓大學學習。2005年,贝娅特丽克丝女王從萊頓大學獲得罕有的榮譽學位。現今萊頓大學擁有6個學院、超過50個系及提供150個以上的課程。有超過40個國家級或國際級研究機構在該校設立。校內機構該大學沒有中央校園;所有建築散布在城市各處。有些建築非常老舊,例如Gravensteen(現為萊頓的國際辦公室);而有些很有現代感,如Lipsius以及Gorlaeus。該大學的6個主要學院提供約50個本科生課程及超過100個學士後課程。創作及表演藝術學院是由萊頓大學、Royal Conservatory以及Royal Academy for Art合作創建的。萊頓大學沒有經濟學、商學與管理學院, 因為這些年來這類課程被認為不符合萊頓大學的傳統。然而,2002年創立了萊頓管理學校(LUSM),提供6個專業MBA課程。此課程只維持四年,也就是2006年所有管理課程都被取消。萊頓管理學校在2009年1月1日起停止活動。歷史在1575年,威廉王子管理著歐洲少數沒有大學的地區之一。此時文藝復興已開始凸顯學術研究的重要性;為了獎勵萊頓市民在1574年抵抗西班牙軍隊的英勇表現,威廉王子遂在此設立大學。諷刺的是威廉王子的敵人腓力二世也名列於建校許可上,這是由於他當時仍是法理上的荷蘭伯爵。傳說威廉王子當時給萊頓市民兩個選擇,一者是免稅,一者是大學;市民認為免稅令可被撤銷,大學卻能延續百年,故選擇了後者。在創校後的一個半世紀間,尤斯圖斯·利普修斯、约瑟夫·尤斯图斯·斯卡利杰(Joseph Justus Scaliger)、弗朗西斯库斯·霍马勒斯(Franciscus Gomarus)、胡果·格老秀斯、雅各布斯·阿民念、丹尼尔·海因修斯(Daniel Heinsius)與 格哈德·约翰·福修斯(Gerhard Johann Vossius)等學者一度將萊頓大學在歐洲的聲望推至巔峰。萊頓大學的崇高地位一直持續到18世紀末。. [read more]
Opleidingen. Microsoft Office. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Kantoor. Secretaresse, Receptioniste. Lokaal verhuur met en zonder PC's Examens. [read more]
Amsterdamse Toneelschool& Kleinkunstacademie (ATKA). [read more]
Labgebouw O2 VU Amsterdam is a university, located at Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, Amsterdam. [read more]
Jiangbao – International College for Taijiquan provides a higher educational program solely dedicated to taijiquan, both in practice and theory. . [read more]
Hét informatieplatform voor mensen die willen doorgroeien in het sociale domein. . [read more]
Online Education and free advice on all courses with major universities world wide. . [read more]
Chair group at Wageningen University. . [read more]
De onafhankelijke realisten is een personeelsfractie binnen de HogeschoolMedezeggenschapsRaad (HMR) van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen die zich inzet voor de belangen van personeel en studenten. [read more]
This page is used by students of the Faculty Council FHML for communication of changes, achievements and other announcements concerning the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. [read more]
sprekers, bedrijven, groepsdiscussies, netwerken, oude bekenden ontmoeten, muziek, borrels!. [read more]
GROW-School for Oncology and Developmental Biology is a research school within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences of Maastricht University. [read more]
Opleiding Makelaar en Vastgoeddeskundige. Examentrainingen A-RMT en K-RMT vanuit Leiden voor kandidaten uit geheel Nederland. Goede resultaten. Bel (071) 5147335 voor deelname en nadere informatie!. [read more]
Aardig op weg (voorheen VanderWeegenBegeleiding) is aanbieder van specialistische jeugdhulp bij ontwikkelings- en gedragsproblemen bij jeugdigen. De praktijk is gevestigd in.. [read more]
The Student Research Conference is an annual scientific conference that is all about Bachelor research. Bachelor students and bachelor graduates can take part in the contest by submitting.. [read more]
Welcome to Codam: a school that is nothing like a school!. [read more]
This page is about the Domain{Study Tour}, visiting China, Japan and Australia, organised by the Electrotechnische Vereeniging, the ETV. . [read more]
Hogeschool Inholland Social Work. [read more]
Bij smallsteps de speeltoren hebben kinderen van 0 – 4 jaar alle ruimte om te spelen, te ontdekken en te leren. De afgeschermde patio is een fijne buitenruimte voor baby’s en dreumesen. [read more]
THAWSOME is an ERC-StG-funded research group at the VU University focusing on the fate of thawing permafrost organic matter in the aquatic environment. [read more]
The Catholic University of Utrecht or Catholic Theological University was a Roman Catholic pontifical university in Utrecht, Netherlands. The university was a public institution and was.. [read more]
Iselinge Academie biedt posthbo-opleidingen, masters en teamscholing voor onderwijs professionals in het basisonderwijs. . [read more]
Het KSGV is een onafhankelijke wetenschappelijke vereniging (Kenniscentrum) op het gebied van Levensbeschouwing en Geestelijke Volksgezondheid. . [read more]
*Coaching online and f2f in Maastricht*. [read more]
Stichting Yulius Barendrecht is a university, located at DENNENHOUT, Barendrecht. They can be contacted via phone at 088 4051915 for more detailed information. [read more]
The department of AE+T is part of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the TU Delft and focuses on the technical aspects building. [read more]
PSAI Professional Scuba Association International in Nederland. [read more]
You want to know what Criminology is all about? Do you like academic challenges? Then come and join our MA Programme at Utrecht University!. [read more]
Paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. [read more]
Public page of the LGBTIQ+ students & employees of Eindhoven University of Technology. Interested? We also have a closed group called "COMPASS at TU/e". [read more]
GroBras is a network that aims to promote international scientific collaboration between Brazil and the University of Groningen. [read more]
The TWIST Student Conference in Linguistics is an annual event organized by TWIST, the study association for linguistics students at Leiden University. [read more]
Chances for Young begeleidt Jongeren tussen 20-35 jaar zonder de dagelijkse druk van te weinig tijd en te weinig geld naar een Zekere Toekomst. . [read more]
An independent Baptist theological institution and a Collaborative Centre within the Faculty of Theology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. . [read more]
HZ Sport - START TO MOVE! HZ Sport organises sportactivities and events for all students and staff members! Stay fit, become a member!. [read more]