Mooi gebouw goede medewerkers die er alles aan doen om een mooie uitvaart te verzorgen voor je geliefden. . [read more]
Uitvaartverzorging Jack Mathijssen is a funeral home, located at Sint Bavostraat 18, 4891 CJ Rijsbergen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 76 596 3698 for more detailed information. [read more]
Woningontruiming ASL is a funeral home, located at Breestraat 141, 2311 CM Leiden. They can be contacted via phone at +31 71 541 7269 for more detailed information. [read more]
Duidelijke communicatie, goede service! Erg over te spreken, bedankt voor alles. . [read more]
Personal Memorial is a funeral home, located at Frankenslag 159, 2582 HK Den Haag. They can be contacted via phone at +31 70 355 2661 for more detailed information. [read more]
De UITVAARTVERZORGERS, Reichrath-Paanakker-Heezen is a funeral home, located at Van der Woertstraat 18, 2597 PK Den Haag. They can be contacted via phone at +31 70 216 7124 for more.. [read more]
Uitvaartzorg Coppens-Brens is a funeral home, located at Baai 156, 4871 BE Etten-Leur. They can be contacted via phone at +31 76 501 5006 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mooie rouwcentrum met een vredig en zeer vriendelijke uitstraling. Zeer vriendelijke en vakkundige mensen. . Dit had den haag nodig, wat een mooi rouwcentrum. [read more]
Goede organisatie, ruime en mooie zalen, in mooi gebied gelegen. . Mooie zaal en omgeving. [read more]
Uniflora BV is a funeral home, located at De Savornin Lohmanplein 21, 2566 AC Den Haag. They can be contacted via phone at +31 70 323 0611 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sint Philipsland is a funeral home, located at Eendrachtstraat 49, 4675 CR Sint Philipsland. They can be contacted via phone at +31 167 572 105 for more detailed information. [read more]
Leeuw Uitvaartverzorging is a funeral home, located at Kapelaan Kockstraat 50, 4651 XE Steenbergen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 167 566 104 for more detailed information. [read more]
Van Dongen UitvaartZorg & UitvaartCentrum is a funeral home, located at 20-a, Bredewater 20, 2715 CA Zoetermeer. They can be contacted via phone at +31 79 343 4303 for more detailed information. [read more]
Begrafenisonderneming G Leeuw is a funeral home, located at Wilhelminastraat 68, 4793 EP Fijnaart. They can be contacted via phone at +31 168 462 230 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mensink Ferguson Uitvaartzorg Alphen aan den Rijn is a funeral home, located at Braamhorst 52, 2402 PV Alphen aan den Rijn. They can be contacted via phone at +31 172 742 514 for more.. [read more]
Mijn lieve moeder is begin januari overleden en we hebben de uitvaart laten verzorgen door Linda van Lindewey Groene Uitvaarten. Vanaf het eerste moment, het telefoontje, krijg je al een goed gevoel. [read more]
Rouwstation Rotterdam is a funeral home, located at Pieter de Hoochweg 110, 3024 BH Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 6 30419214 for more detailed information. [read more]
Begrafenisonderneming Verwijmeren is a funeral home, located at Nonnenpad 11, 4765 CS Zevenbergschen Hoek. They can be contacted via phone at +31 168 452 928 for more detailed information. [read more]
Goedkope Uitvaart Rotterdam is a funeral home, located at Noordzijdsedijk 123, 3194 TA Hoogvliet Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 10 201 7165 for more detailed information. [read more]
Yarden & van Proosdij Uitvaartzorg Delft - Zoetermeer is a funeral home, located at Muyskenlaan 1, 2628 WC Delft. They can be contacted via phone at +31 15 214 0037 for more detailed information. [read more]
Uitvaartverzorging Oud Charlois is a funeral home, located at Waalhaven Oostzijde 111, 3087 BM Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 10 429 9052 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vlinderijnes is a funeral home, located at West-Zandberg 20, 4756 BR Kruisland. They can be contacted via phone at +31 6 28081839 for more detailed information. [read more]
Urn Totaal is a funeral home, located at Slinge 600, 3086 EX Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 10 428 0745 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kleine Ster Uitvaartbegeleiding is a funeral home, located at Korne 103, 3068 GN Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 6 12620598 for more detailed information. [read more]
Begrafenis- en Crematieverzorging Coppens is a funeral home, located at De Meeten 42, 4706 NG Roosendaal. They can be contacted via phone at +31 165 564 009 for more detailed information. [read more]
SDG Dienstenverlening Gebr Noordzij is a funeral home, located at Van Leeuwenhoekweg 8, 2952 BL Alblasserdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 78 691 8405 for more detailed information. [read more]
Begrafenisonderneming Stam is a funeral home, located at Molenstraat 153, 2961 AK Kinderdijk. They can be contacted via phone at +31 78 691 9005 for more detailed information. [read more]
Uitvaart Silene is a funeral home, located at Herenstraat 68, 2291 BH Wateringen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 174 292 926 for more detailed information. [read more]
Staatsie Uitvaartverzorging is a funeral home, located at Eigenhaard 36, 3312 EH Dordrecht. They can be contacted via phone at +31 78 639 9127 for more detailed information. [read more]
Opale uitvaarten | Marc Obbens is a funeral home, located at Elisabeth Hoeve 11, 2804 HM Gouda. They can be contacted via phone at +31 182 538 005 for more detailed information. [read more]
Alles goed en zorgzaam geregeld met heel veel liefde en warmte, en ze hebben een zeer mooi en waardig afscheid verzorgd van mijn schoonzus. Buiten gewoon verast, Alles perfect geregeld en.. [read more]
Een uitvaart met persoonlijke aandacht bedankt namens de fammilie. [read more]
Maasstad Uitvaartzorg is a funeral home, located at Van der Takstraat 70, 3071 LM Rotterdam. They can be contacted via phone at +31 10 429 9052 for more detailed information. [read more]
Begrafenisonderneming Zuidema is a funeral home, located at Oud-Cromstrijensedijk Oostzijde 87 B, 3286 BM Klaaswaal. They can be contacted via phone at +31 186 571 517 for more detailed information. [read more]
Memento Mori Uitvaartverzorging/Wijling is a funeral home, located at Leyweg 65, 2545 CE Den Haag. They can be contacted via phone at +31 70 440 0333 for more detailed information. [read more]
PUUR Uitvaartbegeleiding is a funeral home, located at Kortelandseweg 20, 2631 NE Nootdorp. They can be contacted via phone at +31 15 257 7463 for more detailed information. [read more]