Zweedse Diplomatieke Missie in Nederland. Op deze pagina vindt u informatie over de contactgegevens van het Consulaat van Zweden in Amsterdam en Edgar Peer. [read more]
Welcome to the Official page of the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in The Netherlands. The Embassy of Cyprus is dedicated to promoting diplomatic relations, economic growth, and friendship.. [read more]
Mas información encontrará en la página web; http://www. embassyecuador. eu/. [read more]
Official page of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of the Netherlands // Официальная страница Посольства Российской Федерации в Королевстве Нидерландов. [read more]
Consulado de la República Dominicana en Amsterdam, Holanda is an embassy, located at De Parelvisserslaan 1, 1183 RH Amstelveen. They can be contacted via phone at 31 20 64 71 062 for more.. [read more]
Embassy of Armenia in The Netherlands/ Նիդերլանդներում ՀՀ դեսպանություն is an embassy, located at Laan Van Meerdervort 90, 2517AP The Hague. They can be contacted.. [read more]
Embajada y Consulado del Uruguay en La Haya, Paises Bajos. [read more]
Marokkaans Consulaat Den Bosch is an embassy, located at Larenweg 52, 5234 KA 's-Hertogenbosch. They can be contacted via phone at +31736141299 for more detailed information. [read more]
Página oficial do Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Amsterdã. . [read more]
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is an embassy, located at Duinweg 20, 2585 JX The Hague. They can be contacted via phone at +31703384000 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ambassade van Egypte Embassy of Egypt سفارة جمهورية مصر العربية is an embassy, located at Badhuisweg 92, 2587 CL Scheveningen, Zuid-Holland. They can be contacted via.. [read more]
Welcome to the page of the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Responsible for the provinces Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland &Utrecht. [read more]
La Délégation Wallonie-Bruxelles à La Haye (Pays-Bas). De Afvaardiging Wallonië-Brussel in Den Haag (Nederland). . [read more]
T. C. Deventer Başkonsolosluğu resmi facebook sayfasıdır / Officiële Facebook pagina van het Consulaat-Generaal van de Republiek Turkije in Deventer. [read more]
T. C. Amsterdam Başkonsolosluğu Resmi Facebook Sayfası / Officiële Facebook Pagina van het Consulaat-Generaal van de Republiek Turkije in Amsterdam. [read more]
Representación diplomática en el Reino de los Países Bajos y organismos internacionales con sede en La Haya y Amsterdam. Servicios consulares a la comunidad costarricense y holandesa. [read more]
Plaatsen van nieuwe cv ketels. [read more]
Embassy of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in The Hague. . [read more]
T. C. Lahey Büyükelçiliği Resmi Facebook Sayfası / Officiel Facebook Pagina van de Turkse Ambassade in Den Haag. [read more]
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Haagu. [read more]
Página da Embaixada do Brasil na Haia Pagina van de Braziliaanse Ambassade in Den Haag Page of the Brazilian Embassy in The Hague. [read more]
Official Account Embassy of Peru in the Netherlands Teléfono: +31 70 3653500 Mail: info@embassyofperu. nl Consulares: http://consuladoperuamsterdam. com/. [read more]
Indonesische Ambassade Den Haag is an embassy, located at Tobias Asserweg 8, 2517 KC The Hague. They can be contacted via phone at 0703108100 for more detailed information. [read more]
The U. S. Consulate General in Amsterdam provides assistance to American citizens residing in or visiting the Netherlands and visa services for temporary visitors and immigrants to the United States. [read more]
Консульський підрозділ: 0031 (70) 3607218; Загальний: 0031 (70) 3626095. Консульський підрозділ зачинено у вихідні дні та Державні свята України!. [read more]
Esta é a página oficial dedicada à divulgação de informações e actividades da Embaixada e Secção Consular de Portugal na Haia, Países Baixos. [read more]
30 марта-1 апреля 2018 в г. Кайк (Нидерланды) состоялись соревнования Кубка мира по танцам на.. [read more]
Australische Ambassade, is an embassy, located at Carnegielaan 4, 2517 KH The Hague. They can be contacted via phone at +31 (0)70 310 82 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Estonian Embassy in The Hague is an embassy, located at Zeestraat 92, 2518 AD The Hague. They can be contacted via phone at +31703029050 for more detailed information. [read more]
T. C. Rotterdam Başkonsolosluğu Resmi Facebook Sayfası / Officiel Facebook Pagina Consulaat Generaal van de Republiek Turkije in Rotterdam. [read more]
Lietuvos Respublikos ambasada Nyderlandų Karalystėje. [read more]
Here you will find all the information and news about the activities of the Embassy of Pakistan in The Hague and the Pakistani Dutch Community. . [read more]
پذیرش بخش قونسلی از ساعت ۹ صبح الی ۱ چاشت میباشد. . [read more]
Welcome to the official Facebook profile of the U. S. Embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands. Don't hesitate to contact us with questions or comments. . [read more]
السفير العلوي يلتقي بممثلي شركة بوسكالس الهولندية
التقى سعادة السفير د. هشام العلوي في مكتبه بتأريخ.. [read more]
Embassy of Bangladesh, The Hague, Netherlands welcomes you to our FB world. Please check our FB page for important information and updates on the Embassy. [read more]