Kerkgebouw Bethelkerk is a church, located at Langenhorst, 3085 HZ, Rotterdam. [read more]
Kerkgebouw Foreestenhuis is a church, located at Grote Oost, 1621 BR, Hoorn. [read more]
Kerkgebouw De Bron is a church, located at Rodenrijseweg 97, 2651 BN Berkel en Rodenrijs. [read more]
Hervormde Gereformeerde Kerkgebouw Open Hof is a church, located at Vennestraat, 5151 CB, Drunen. [read more]
Christelijk Gereformeerde Kerk Hattum is a church, located at Korte Kerkstraat 8, 8051 GN Hattem. They can be contacted via phone at +31 38 444 7532 for more detailed information. [read more]
Egu is a church, located at Boothstraat 7 utrecht, 3512 BT, Utrecht. They can be contacted via phone at +31 30 572 5559 for more detailed information. [read more]
Wijkgebouw Hebron is a church, located at Polanenstraat 197, 1013 VV Amsterdam. [read more]
Julianakerk Hervormde Gereformeerde Kerk Heijplaat is a church, located at Zaandijkstraat, 3089 PZ Rotterdam. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Kerk IJsselmonde is a church, located at Guido Gezelleweg, 3076 EB Rotterdam. [read more]
Gereformeerde Thaborkerk Gemeente-IJsselmonde is a church, located at Reyerdijk, 3079 NC Rotterdam. [read more]
Gereformeerde Hervormde Kerk 't Foarhûs is a church, located at Dorsvloer, 9205 BN Smallingerland. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Gedachteniskerk Paus Johannes XXIII is a church, located at Prinsenhof, 2263 EV Leidschendam. [read more]
Kerk De Naald is a church, located at Frans Netscherlaan 12A, 2071 AZ Santpoort-Noord. [read more]
Unie van Stratumse Parochies is a church, located at Heezerweg, 5643 KG Eindhoven. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Christus Koningkerk is a church, located at Zes Landenstraat, 6414 HE Heerlen. [read more]
Dorpskerk Blaricum is a church, located at Bussummerweg, 1261 Blaricum. [read more]
Dorpskerk Rockanje is a church, located at Waalweg 2, 3235 LN Rockanje. [read more]
Dorpskerk Hekelingen is a church, located at Dorpsstraat 12, 3209 AG Hekelingen. [read more]
Dorpskerk Voorst is a church, located at Schoolstraat 16, 7383 CG Voorst. They can be contacted via phone at +31 575 501 270 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hervormde Dorpskerk Elspeet is a church, located at Ds. van Paddenburghweg, 8075 AL Elspeet. [read more]
Dorpskerk te Ruurlo is a church, located at Kerkplein 1, 7261 AZ Ruurlo. They can be contacted via phone at +31 573 454 001 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dorpskerk Dorkwerd is a church, located at Zijlvesterweg, 9746 Groningen. [read more]
Nederlandse Hervormde Dorpskerk is a church, located at Dorpsstraat 19, 2935 AB Ouderkerk aan den IJssel. They can be contacted via phone at +31 180 682 953 for more detailed information. [read more]
N. Hervormde Dorpskerk is a church, located at Havenstraat, 2691 BH 's-Gravenzande. [read more]
Dorpskerk Hervormde Gemeente Reeuwijk is a church, located at Kerkweg 2, 2811 KD Reeuwijk. They can be contacted via phone at +31 182 394 281 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hervormde Dorpskerk Doornspijk is a church, located at Elburgerweg 104, 8071 TA Nunspeet. [read more]
N. Hervormde Kerk Nieuwenhoorn is a church, located at Achterdorp, 3223 BA, Hellevoetsluis. [read more]
Gereformeerde Thomaskerk is a church, located at Harmelenstraat, 2546 EG Den Haag. [read more]
Hervormde Thomaskerk is a church, located at Oranje Nassaulaan, 3708 GA Zeist. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Thomaskerk is a church, located at Thomaslaan, 5631 GK Eindhoven. [read more]
Gereformeerde Kerk Moordrecht-Gouderak is a church, located at Molenlaan, 2841 XE Moordrecht. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Kerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Koningin van de Vrede Weiteveen is a church, located at Zusterweg, 7765 AX Weiteveen. [read more]
Gereformeerde Kerk Rouveen is a church, located at Kerkweg 2, 7955 AA IJhorst. They can be contacted via phone at +31 522 291 575 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Kerk Crooswijk is a church, located at Crooswijkseweg, 3034 BG Rotterdam. [read more]
Gereformeerde Kerk Eudokia is a church, located at S. L. Louwesstraat 2, 7545 EW, Enschede. They can be contacted via phone at +31 53 430 1150 for more detailed information. [read more]
Huis van Spiritualiteit is a church, located at Oostwal 24, 7631 EJ, Ootmarsum. [read more]