Oecumenisch Kerkcentrum is a church, located at Arkendonk, 4907 Oosterhout. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Kerkcentrum Heilige Geest is a church, located at Lichtenberchdreef, 3562 RD Utrecht. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Sint Clemenskerk is a church, located at Molenstraat, 8331 HP Steenwijk. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Heilige Clemenskerk is a church, located at Park, 5671 GC Nuenen. [read more]
Hervormde Sint Clemenskerk is a church, located at Burgemeester Goeman Borgesiusstraat, 8331 KA Steenwijk. [read more]
Heilige Sint Clemenskerk, Gerwen is a church, located at Heuvel 17, 5674 RR Nuenen. [read more]
Kerk Meedhuizen is a church, located at Hoofdstraat 6, 9937 PD Meedhuizen. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Openbare Kapel Sint Elisabethstift Zusters van de Heilige Elisabeth is a church, located at Hammolenweg, 6466 XT Kerkrade. [read more]
Hervormde Gemeente Blauwkapel Groenekan is a church, located at Groenekanseweg, 3737 AH Groenekan. [read more]
Sint Joseph Arbeiderkerk is a church, located at Pastoor Dominicus Hexstraat 25, 6231 HE Meerssen. [read more]
Liefdezusters van de Heilige Carolus Borromeus is a church, located at Sint Servaasklooster 14, 6211 TE Maastricht. They can be contacted via phone at +31 43 321 9241 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Heilige Carolus Borromeus Kerk is a church, located at Rademakerstraat, 3769 LB Soesterberg. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Kerk Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Tenhemelopneming is a church, located at Buiten Nieuwstraat, 8261 AT Kampen. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Tenhemelopneming Kerk is a church, located at Prins Hendrikstraat, 7001 GL Doetinchem. [read more]
Kerk O. l. vr Tenhemelopneming is a church, located at Kerkstraat 1, 5541 EM Reusel. They can be contacted via phone at +31 497 641 360 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grote Kerk-Parochie Maria Onbevlekt Ontvangen is a church, located at Kerkstraat 15, 5341 BK Oss. They can be contacted via phone at +31 412 622 015 for more detailed information. [read more]
De Hartebrugkerk is a church, located at Haarlemmerstraat 110, 2312 GE Leiden. They can be contacted via phone at +31 71 512 0401 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Heilige Bartholomeuskerk is a church, located at Wal 63, 2871 BC Schoonhoven. [read more]
Marantha Kerk Vlaardingen is a church, located at Professor Mekelstraat 255, 3132 BE Vlaardingen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 10 434 8505 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sint Bernarduskerk Ubachsberg is a church, located at Kerkstraat, 6367 JE Voerendaal. [read more]
Bernarduskerk is a church, located at Rijndijk 106, 2394 AC Hazerswoude-Rijndijk. They can be contacted via phone at +31 71 341 4210 for more detailed information. [read more]
Noorder- of Vrouwenkerk is a church, located at Noorderkerksteeg 30, 1621 JG Hoorn. They can be contacted via phone at +31 229 218 851 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kerk Oudenhoorn is a church, located at Ring 1, 3227 AS Oudenhoorn. [read more]
Sint-Anthonis- of Oosterkerk is a church, located at Grote Oost 58, 1621 BX Hoorn. [read more]
Gereformeerde Oosterkerk is a church, located at Leeuweriklaan, 7905 CA Hoogeveen. [read more]
Hervormde Oosterkerk is a church, located at Zomerkade, 2032 WC Haarlem. [read more]
Rooms-Katholieke Sint Jozefkerk is a church, located at Veldbloemenweg, 1508 WV Zaanstad. [read more]
Rk St. Jozefkerk is a church, located at Oude Molenstraat 8, 5342 GC Oss. They can be contacted via phone at +31 412 622 164 for more detailed information. [read more]
Asser Jozefkerk is a church, located at Collardslaan 2A, 9401 GZ Assen. They can be contacted via phone at +31 592 851 515 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hervormde Emmauskerk is a church, located at Campherbeeklaan 53, 8024 BT Zwolle. [read more]
Christelijke Gereformeerde Ichthuskerk is a church, located at Zuid Voorstraat 28, 3295 BW 's-Gravendeel. [read more]
Ichthuskerk Hervormde Gemeente Reeuwijk is a church, located at Nieuwdorperweg 1, 2811 LA Reeuwijk. They can be contacted via phone at +31 182 392 977 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hervormde Gemeente Ichthuskerk is a church, located at Tromplaan, 3781 TE Voorthuizen. [read more]
Christelijk Gereformeerde Ichthuskerk is a church, located at Rozenstraat, 7906 KR Hoogeveen. [read more]
Protestantse Gemeente Johanneskerk is a church, located at Rentenierstraat 9, 7131 DK Lichtenvoorde. They can be contacted via phone at +31 544 376 056 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hervormde Gereformeerde Johanneskerk is a church, located at Dr. H. Colijnlaan, 2283 XA Rijswijk. [read more]