Tijdens het pinksterweekend van 8, 9 10 juni 2019 zetten meer 60 kunstenaars drie dagen lang hun deuren open van 12. 00 tot 18. 00 uur. . [read more]
Sticht Art in Redlight proudly presents its 10th edition of the annual fair: ART IN REDLIGHT. [read more]
Koppelaars Kunsthuiskamer heeft om de 2 maanden wisselende exposities van kunstschilder Frans Koppelaar en een gastexposant. Het hoofdthema is Amsterdam. [read more]
Van Zijll Langhout / Contemporary Art is een hedendaagse galerie met een veelzijdig programma van internationale kunstenaars. [read more]
art & design & gifts elke zondag 15 u historische gidswandeling over Westelijke Eilanden Elke zaterdag 15 u gidswandeling van Oud naar Nieuw zie www. galeriemoon. [read more]
Appels Gallery is uitsluitend gewijd aan werken van levende schilders. . [read more]
www. bien2b. nl Illustratie, vormgeving & visualizing. [read more]
The gallery is specialized in 20th Century and contemporary photography. We combine works by world famous artists with that of upcoming talents, thus creating an exciting mix. [read more]
ceramics. [read more]
http://viarudolphi. nl/maker/carver/. [read more]
Literair muziektheater in de context van de tijd. . [read more]
Het Volksoperahuis verbindt het volkse met de grote thema’s van de opera, het gevoel met het intellect. www. volksoperahuis. nl. [read more]
Hewitt Home Theater & Audio Store. [read more]
LIVE MUSIC ! Voor allerlei culturele evenementen, privé feest, receptie,festival,theater, concertzaal Vasile Nedea is te boeken solo of met ensemble. [read more]
Photography - Art - Limited Edition Amsterdam - Singel 282 Den Haag - Passage 55 ‘s Hertogenbosch - Schapenmarkt 22. [read more]
Blackrrab17attoo is an art gallery, located at thesaloniki greece , amsterdam holland ,portugal lisboa, Amsterdam. They can be contacted via phone at 00306945609961 for more detailed information. [read more]
The O. D. Gallery focuses on contemporary art with a passion for artwork which has risen from the underground. . [read more]
Electric Ladyland is an art gallery, located at Tweede Leliedwarsstraat 5, 1015 TB Amsterdam. They can be contacted via phone at (0031) - 020 - 4203776 for more detailed information. [read more]
Frontier Imaginaries is an experiment in a new form of para-institution in the arts; one that responds to both the new possibilities for connection, and the rising states of isolation that mark.. [read more]
MC Escher Facsimile Prints. [read more]
Photography Gallery Haarlemmerdijk 117 1013 KE Amsterdam /Netherlands. [read more]
The primacy of contemporary art, presented in a 17th-century canal house in Amsterdam. Curated by founder Marsha Plotnitsky. Funded by art sales. . [read more]
Gallery238-Amsterdam. [read more]
Podium voor Ongehoord Geluid (concerten, jamsessies, exposities, eten en meer!). [read more]
Art Associates Amsterdam. Creative Art Consultancy. Come on up. . [read more]
Charlotte Schrameijer and Jurgen Winkler weave man and nature together in their artwork, each in their own way depicting the human condition and the delicate balance between humans and.. [read more]
GO Gallery is located in the Jordaan, in the heart of Amsterdam. The gallery displays a diverse range of art, from Steet Art to contemporary art. The gallery also organises art dinners and.. [read more]
Original paintings by Mathias. . [read more]
Kryon gallery based in Amsterdam represents artists worldwide. . [read more]
In Atelier Dijkzicht brengt Johan Suttorp eigen talenten, verworvenheden en wensen van cursisten samen met kunsttechniek en toepassing. . [read more]
Hollandsche Schouwburg is a museum in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. HistoryOriginally, the Hollandsche Schouwburg was a Dutch theatre, but it was deemed as a Jewish theatre in 1941 by Nazi.. [read more]
NEW! De vraag is eigenlijk "What's new" Nieuw werk van Tonneke Sengers. Hoe ze op deze nieuwe vormen is gekomen, zonder dat aan haar kenmerkende beeldtaal afbreuk wordt gedaan.. [read more]
Amsterdam's finest burlesque evening. . [read more]
Raum = German word for ''space''. A space is often conceived as consisting of three linear dimensions, a closed-off entity in which objects and events have a relative position and direction. [read more]
Ontmoetingsplek voor liefhebbers, makers, denkers en vernieuwers. . [read more]
Theatergroep De Warme Winkel | www. dewarmewinkel. nl. [read more]