Bloemenwinkel de Iris is gespecialiseerd in bloemdecoraties. Door een andere kijk op bloemen ontstaat creatieve bloemwerk. Met een team van goed opgeleide bloembinders maken wij bloemwerk.. [read more]
Bert Denneman Beelden is my company to design, create and sell sculptures and other fine arts. I'm doing this as a self employed artist, acting both by order and independent. [read more]
Een samenwerking tussen twee Pianotechnici uit Utrecht en Zeist. In onze werkplaats aan de Kobaltweg 27 in Utrecht reviseren wij piano's en vleugels. U kunt bij ons terecht voor de aanschaf,.. [read more]
BLOM stands for custom-made flowerarrangements for all occasions. Is's also possible to hire BLOM to create a unique signature for your company, hotel or restaurant. [read more]
Het Bakery Institute is een particuliere, onafhankelijke opleiding waar (toekomstige) bakkerijmedewerkers, ondernemers en consumenten praktijkgericht worden opgeleid tot gemotiveerde vakmensen. [read more]
Bartele Santema is selling old MAPS and PRINTS online and ships these original antique pieces all over the world from his home base in the Netherlands. [read more]
Bekleding Totaal Ede is een eenmansbedrijf. Eigenaar en enig medewerker is Arco Loonstra. Klantgericht, maatwerk, handwerk en originaliteit zijn een paar steekwoorden die erg belangrijk zijn. [read more]
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst is a leading international platform for theoretically-informed, politically-driven art and experimental research. Based in Utrecht, BAK addresses the.. [read more]
DIGITAL STORYTELLING for SOCIAL IMPACT!Bumbuku is an award winning, Amsterdam based Digital Storytelling Studio. We digitalise stories, campaigns, educational or communicational materials,.. [read more]
Taart bestellen?Wij maken taarten en ander gebak op maat. Van bruidstaarten tot cakepops, van een oud Hollands koekje tot een over the top 3d taart. Alles kan, ‘the sky is the limit' is.. [read more]
Bos Fine ArtGespecialiseerd in de geometrische abstracte beeldende kunstPlatform voor meer dan 100 internationale kunstenaars. [read more]
What you'll find inside this Black Cube are the things that dreams are made of. . [read more]
Brink of Modding is a company focused on casemodding, the art of creating unique computer cases. We provide services as well as our own products. As products we mainly sell a line of.. [read more]
✉ info@babbelijntje. nl ☎ +31 6 833 59 666 🌍 www. babbelijntje. nl Babbelijntje. nl is gespecialiseerd in het (laser)graveren van bijna àlles! We hebben een webwinkel met de.. [read more]
The Blind Walls Gallery presents impressive and meaningful murals depicting the various stories of Breda. Together with the municipality and property owners we invite international graphic.. [read more]
Bergh Stoop & Sanders is a small and distinguished firm. With a team of outstanding attorneys, we offer a wide range of legal services to reputable institutions, enterprises and private.. [read more]
Artist. [read more]
"Stories, verhalen, verhoale, les histoires, historias, कहानियों. . . they are universal. Stories need to be shared, processed, learned from and to be inspired by. [read more]
alact. nl is available for purchase on Undeveloped's marketplace. Undeveloped is a unique platform where you can buy domains safely, and transparently. [read more]
I'm an allround creative and illustrator with a deep love for spirituality and conscious living. My artworks are mostly spiritually oriented, but with a modern art twist. [read more]
The gallery's simple concept is centred around public art and bringing international artists to Amsterdam. Launched by Anna Kinneir, who has called this city home for 6 years, A Flag claims the.. [read more]
Wij zijn Burocreatie en we helpen je bij het onderscheidend maken van je bedrijf, merk of product. We maken helder hoe jouw aanbod ook echt aansluit bij de behoefte van je ideale klant. [read more]
Beautiful Distress is a foundation that is committed to making psychological vulnerabilities visible and tangible through art. We want to encourage open dialogue on this subject, that is often.. [read more]
As ALL CAPS, we would also like to show the current events within the street art scene. Street art is now a concept that is many times broader than just murals. [read more]
At Art&Co. by MCH boutique art gallery, we seamlessly blend the expertise of the financial and business worlds with the enchantment of the art world. This unique combination has enabled us to.. [read more]
Brink & van Keulen is the only company in the world still manufacturing traditional Dutch copper Chandeliers. The Chandeliers are handcrafted and according to the ancient principle the copper.. [read more]
Buenaparte is het creatieve communicatiebureau voor de visuele vertaling van jouw merkidentiteit. We slaan dingen plat met commerciële strategieën en blazen dat vervolgens op met creatieve ideeën. [read more]
Art & Pictures is een online galerie met een verrassend en veelzijdig aanbod kunst en fotografie. We werken samen met een zeer uiteenlopende groep kunstenaars en fotografen, gevestigde namen.. [read more]
We create Art that you can wear. Embracing the gist of design, energetic flow and Latin heritage, AKA Tropicalia brings a splash of art into our daily lives. [read more]
Arch 9 focuses on East-meets-West artwork. We represent established and high potential artists to expand their horizon to new markets in EMEA. We facilitate access and create exposure. [read more]
The Gallery With Contemporary Modern Art➥ Focus on Artists such as Jack Liemburg/ Donkersloot/ Willem Bijl/ Rob Scholte/ +many more. ➥ Please contact me for the Actual Collection ALSO for.. [read more]
Asia Orlando is an illustrator and digital artist currently based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. She is also the founder of the illustration movement #OurPlanetWeek the illustration.. [read more]
I am self taught artist, born in Romania, currently living in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I've started drawing because my mind has always felt overwhelmed with an imagery that doesn't have a cause,.. [read more]
Azur maakt op ambachtelijke wijze kwalitatief hoogwaardige cosmeticaproducten waarbij alle grondstoffen direct uit de natuur komen. Alle recepten zijn zelf, in house, geformuleerd. [read more]
Hi, ik ben Ilona Bal (Bdes, Graphic Design, Willem de Kooning academie). Ik woon en werk in Rotterdam en ben de oprichter van Grphx (spreek uit: graphics). [read more]
Our founder Pauline Biard has always had her head in the art clouds. Her father, Pero Nikcevic, is an artist from Montenegro and she grew up by his side in Paris. [read more]