
WE OFFER AFRICA'S BEST GINGER, THIRD IN WORLD RATING AND CHEAPEST OF ALLWe offer the opportunity to all Ginger buyers/marketers and exporters, to have access to one of the world best Ginger products. It should be known that The Nigerian Ginger produced in the north-eastern part of Nigeria is the third in the world after China and India, even in patronage all over the globe.Its standout properties includes-High AromaHigh Pungency High Lemony tasteHigh Spicy contentHigh Aleo resin contentHigh essential oil of about 2%These standout quality gives it high patronage all over the world by-ConfectionaryPerfumeryBeverages andPharmaceutical Companies all over the globe.It further contains some of the most important chemical compounds such as-PotassiumMagnesiumCopperManganeseVitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) andCaloriesThese properties gives our Ginger product its high healing, dietary and diseases relief effect that no other Ginger product poses all over the world apart from that of India and China. According to the world trade promotion/import and export LTD.NOTE: THESE TYPE OF GINGER IS ONLY PRODUCED IN THE NORTH-EASTERN PART OF NIGERIA. WHERE OUR COMPANY IS BASEDCONTACT US @ +23408064628960EMAIL US @ umwaziri64@gmail.com

Tags : #AlternativeMedicine

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Bauchi - Gombe Road, Gombe
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