The Zambezi Region, until 2013 known as the Caprivi Region, is one of the 14 regions of Namibia, located in the extreme north-east of the country. It is largely concurrent with the Caprivi Strip.. [read more]
Fine art paintings of African rural life, portraying the struggles and joys of the people I live amongst and love. Landscapes and Wildlife complete the African tapestry. [read more]
Its worthwhile restaurant bar and conference centre. [read more]
Ngweze South SDA is the official media centre to Ngweze South SDA Church members under Namibia North Conference operating all over Zambezi Region. . [read more]
Emergency Care And Rescuer Of The Sick And Injured People At home And Public. . [read more]
Conduit Training Centre is a premier vocational education provider specializing in electrical general. [read more]
Katima Christian BIBLE School, located at BOX 1308,Ngweze, 9000 Katima Mulilo Rural. They can be contacted via phone at +264814714267 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a strictly online baby company based in Windhoek, Namibia that deals in products for mothers to be, babies and beyond we sell intelligent breast pumps manufacture baby cots strollers and.. [read more]
Simataa Farming. They can be contacted via phone at 0814671139 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Il Dito di Caprivi è un territorio della Namibia con una superficie di circa 18. 000 km² e in gran parte compreso nella Regione dello Zambesi; questo territorio si protende verso nord est per.. [read more]
Sinbird Extreme Investments cc offers building maintenance and repair,dstv installations & many more. . . . . . [read more]
We do welding, tilling, roofing, new buildings, renovation and many more, contact Mr severen at 0812233046 or 0814881112. . [read more]
Hotels & Lodges of the Caprivi in Namibia. In 2013 the area was renamed the Zambezi Region, but many residents and travellers still talk about the Caprivi. [read more]
Passione restaurant, we are specialised in Portuguese cuisine with mouth watering Steaks, Pizzas we also have Live Oysters brought from Walvis Bay. . [read more]
Jesus Kingdom Ministries exist to make people treasure Jesus with all their hearts,minds,souls and strength,to enjoy him above all creation and spread the passion to all people for God`s Glory. [read more]
Замбе́зи — является одной из 14 административных областей Намибии. Располагается в восточной части полосы Каприви, от которой и получила своё название. [read more]
A company description is just one part of your small business plan. The business plan outlines your goals and how to achieve them. According to the Small Business Administration, a.. [read more]
Катима Мулило — аэропорт, находящийся примерно в 10 километрах от города Катима Мулило в Намибии... [read more]
Le Zambezi, appelée Caprivi jusqu'au 9 août 2013, est l'une des quatorze régions administratives de la Namibie. Son nom provient du fleuve Zambèze qui forme la frontière avec la Zambie. [read more]
La Franja de Caprivi,, Caprivi Panhandle, Gaza de Okavango, o Okavango Panhandle y anteriormente conocido como Itenge, es un saliente estrecho de Namibia hacia el este de la región de Okavango.. [read more]
We are here to deliever 100% customer satisfation. [read more]
Zambezi es en la actualidad una de las 14 regiones administrativas de Namibia, hasta 2013 su nombre era Caprivi. Antes de que Namibia declarara su independencia, en 1989, este territorio integró.. [read more]
Washing & Folding N$50. 00 per KG Ironing & Folding N$50. 00 per KG Picking and Delivery is at N$10. 00 Picking is done on Friday after 14h00 Delivery is done on Sunday after 14h00 For Laundry.. [read more]
Katima Mulilo Urban is a constituency in the Zambezi Region of Namibia, covering the capital city of the region, Katima Mulilo. As of 2004, the Constituency had 10,778 registered voters. [read more]
Katima Central Pharmacy is a community/retail pharmacy that supplies medicines, health related products, services and information. . [read more]
Le Parc national Bwabwata est un parc national au Namibie. Il se situe au nord est du Namibie, entre le Botswana et l'Angola. Créé en 2007, il mesure 6 100 km². [read more]
Zambezi Phyto Trading is producing mainly products from the Moringa Oleifera Tree, the must nutritious plant in the world. Eat Moringa and stay healthy. [read more]
La bande de Caprivi, en anglais Caprivi Strip, en allemand Caprivi Zipfel, anciennement Itenge, est une panhandle longue de 450 kilomètres et large de 30 kilomètres, située en Namibie et.. [read more]
Accomodation Boat cruise Event bookings Restaurant and Bar. [read more]
卡普里维地带(英语:Caprivi Strip;德语:Caprivizipfel)是纳米比亚东北部向东伸延约450千米的一条窄长地带,南部与博茨瓦纳、北部与安哥拉和赞比亚接壤,以西则是纳米比亚的奥卡汉贾区。该地带以宽多和赞比西两河为边界,最大城镇是卡蒂马穆利洛。该地带东部属卡普里维区,西部则属奥卡汉贾区。历史卡普里维地带以德国总理列奥·冯·卡普里维的名字命名。1890年,冯·卡普里维与英国举行谈判,最终德英两国签订《黑尔戈兰-桑给巴尔条约》,德国放弃在桑给巴尔的利益,以交换原归英国管辖的卡普里维地带以及位于北海的黑尔戈兰岛。卡普里维地带被并入德属西南非洲后,德国得以使用赞比西河连接其另一殖民地──位于非洲东岸的坦噶尼喀。卡普里维地带的军事重要性很大。罗得西亚游击战(1970年-1979年)、非洲人国民大会对抗南非政府(1965年-1994年)以及安哥拉内战期间,该地带曾多次被不同军事力量入侵,作为连接不同地区的桥梁。. [read more]
Elevated high on the banks of the Kwando River, Sharwimbo River Camp offers camping and tented Chalets in the Caprivi. Birding, River Trips and more!. [read more]
Der Bwabwata-Nationalpark ist ein Nationalpark in Namibia. Er erstreckt sich auf fast das ganze Gebiet des westlichen Caprivizipfels in Namibia. Im Norden und Süden wird er durch die.. [read more]
Ивицата Каприви е дълга и тясна ивица от територията на Намибия, която се вклинява между Ангола, Замбия.. [read more]
This project is aimed at shorting the distance traveled by the local people to go buy maize meal given the mega incomes they have. . [read more]