Dont mis out on our Auction !!!! Thursday 5 July 12h00 Windhoek Marua Mall Come buy some Top genetics for yourself! Namboer Auctioneers CC Namboer Auctions
First Ramlambs of " Hitman " !
This Top ewe is very close to giving birth. She is mated with comeback - The 2017 World champion ram unfortunatley he died . Lets hope for the best !
3 young ewes that i weaned n few weeks back they look promising ! Hitman and sunnybill ofsprings!
Its lambing time. My first fiew veldmaster lambs sofar it looks very promising!
One of my breeding Persian rams.. think this ram wil be n great sire !! Top Breeding material!
One Top Savanna ram that wil be on auction 8Feb.. best that i have seen in a long time. And he is up for grabs at the auction. Also a young kalahari red ram that have alot of potential to become a very good sire!! Come have a look they are already at Namboer Auctions
A few rams that wil be on Auction 8Feb at Namboer Auctions 12h00 come have a look from monday!
One of my young painted goat ramlambs
This is an Auction not to mis! Good quality Rams and Ewes wil be on auction ! Save the date !! 8Feb. 2018 Thursday at Namboer Auctioneers 12h00 in Windhoek Namibia. Come have a look ! Merry Xmas to all our clients.!!
WX savannas !! Top quality Savanna rams we are breeding and they wil be on Auction next year 8Feb 2018 dont mis this big Auction!!
On the right in front is one of my young boergoat rams. His father is ROCCO . This young ram has alot of potential and maby one of my next breeding sires !! Rocco was the 2016 senior champion and res grand champion of Namibia
Sunnybill ready for his girls! This ram has alot of potential !!
NONU getting ready for ewes !! Top breeding sire !!